Accessing real-time data from key assets is a critical need for any industry. It provides situational awareness, improves the flexibility, reliability, and operational lifetime of the equipment. This involves the use of Information & communications Technology (ICT) and forms a cyber-physical space in which physical things and processes are connected to the internet over a computer network, making the system exposed to cyber-attacks. Over the years, there is an exponential growth in the number of cyber-attacks reported in the electric sector. In the near future, cyber-physical security presents a major challenge for the continuously evolving smart grids. Cyber security Lab (CSL) under the guidance of Prof. Manoj Tripathy is currently working on security aspects of Micro-Grid against cyber-attacks. CSL mainly focuses on the development of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) using Machine Learning techniques to have a near-real-time detection of malicious activity and provides an alerting. We are also planning to work on security challenges in Smart Distribution Substation and SCADA systems. The lab facilitates both the Hardware and Software required to design a cyber-physical test bed setup consisting of both physical power system and communication network. Some of the resources available are Real-Time Simulators, Hardware-In-The-Loop systems, Simulation tools for Power System, Communication Network and for Attack simulation. This test-bed setup is used to carryout • To create various attack scenarios on the cyber-physical system • To carry out Attack impact studies • To validate the performance of the IDS techniques against malicious intrusions.
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