Paper Submission

CVIP-WM 2017 feedback.

The camera-ready version of the paper will follow the same template as mentioned below. The camera-ready paper can be submitted by updating the old file on Easychair. The number of pages is restricted to 8-12 pages, single-column, according to Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) style files. Springer AISC author instructions (with LaTeX and MS Word templates) can be found at the following link:

Login to the CVIP-WM 2017 Easychair paper submission portal at the following link:

Please submit the final PDF file to the Easychair portal and email the zip folder containing all the source, style and figure files of your manuscript to

NOTE: Please do adhere strictly to the Springer’s template files.


Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length original research papers. The conference proceedings will be published in the AISC series of Springer. In submitting a manuscript to CVIP-2017, authors acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to another journal, conference or workshop during the review period. In such a case the paper will be rejected without review. Papers must be electronically submitted before the deadline expires without exception.

Instructions for preparing manuscripts:

  • Authors must use the manuscript template specified for AISC series of Springer. The LaTeX and Word template can be downloaded from the following links:

    Word Template

    LaTeX Template

  • The paper must not exceed 12 pages in length (including all text, figures, and references).
  • The manuscript must be submitted in pdf format only and the file size of your manuscript should not exceed 10 MB.
  • Use a proper tool to convert the resulting source into a pdf document that has only scalable fonts with all fonts embedded.
  • The images embedded in the paper must not contain transparent pixels (i.e., an alpha-channel of a transparent color) since this could lead to problems when displaying or printing the pdf.
  • The pdf manuscript must not have Adobe Document Protection or Document Security enabled.

Instructions for uploading manuscripts:

  • The manuscript has to be uploaded online at the CVIP-2017 Easychair paper submission portal at the following link:

  • Authors can use the reset password link on the Easychair portal in case they lose their password.
  • A single account can be used for submitting multiple papers. The above procedure has to be repeated for each new submission.

Submission deadline:

  • Authors can submit the camera-ready copy at the Easychair portal till July 15, 2017, 23:59:59 IST.
  • Authors can edit their submission at the portal by July 15, 2017, 23:59:59 IST.
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