Call For Papers
Authors are invited to submit unpublished papers to CVIP-2017, which are not in consideration or published in any other conference or journal. The call for papers can be downloaded from here. Topics for the technical program include, but are not limited to:
- Image/Video Processing and Analysis
- Image/Video Formation and Display
- Image/Video Filtering, Restoration, Enhancement and Super-resolution
- Image/Video Coding and Transmission
- Image/Video Storage, Retrieval and Authentication
- Image/Video Quality
- Transform-based and Multi-resolution Image/Video Analysis
- Biological and Perceptual Models for Image/Video Processing
- Machine Learning in Image/Video Analysis
- Probability and uncertainty handling for Image/Video Processing
- Motion and Tracking
- Segmentation and Recognition
- Shape, Structure and Stereo
- Computational Photography and Videography
- Saliency, Attention and Eye Movement in Images/Videos
- Biomedical Image Analysis
- Geosciences and Remote Sensing
- Biometrics
- Document Image Analysis
- Visual Multimedia