About the IIC

Institute Instrumentation Centre (IIC) houses large number of sophisticated instruments used for high magnification imaging, material characterization, precision chemical analysis, etc. The Centre is run by trained technical manpower and researchers, who are guided by experienced Faculty experts.

Before 2001, when the University of Roorkee was accorded the status of an IIT, the IIC was known as University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC). Since 2001, expansion of the Centre took place with the addition of new and ultra-modern equipments in order to enhance the efficiency and functioning to desired levels.

The analytical facilities of IIC are also extended to the students, researchers and faculty members of other Institutes and Organizations of the country as well. Collaboration with Industries on R & D and Consultancy Projects are also welcome by the Institute.

The main objectives of this Centre are-
To Provide facilities for characterization, high- resolution imaging and precision chemical analysis of different kinds of artificial and natureal materials.
To dissipate knowledge and experience in the above through short-term courses/seminar/workshop etc.
To bring up trained main power capable of handing and maintian highly sophisticated instruments.

List of UG Degree Recipients 2021

List of PG Degree Recipients 2021 (Excluding Ph.D)

List of PhD Degree Recipients