Plenary Speakers

Plenary (1)
Prof. Toshiaki Enoki
06.12.2017 (Wednesday)
Title: Molecular science of Nanographenes – Interplay between edge geometry and Chemistry in their Electronic Structures
Plenary (2)
Prof. Peter Skabara
06.12.2017 (Wednesday)
Title: Investigating twisted and other non-conventional molecular architectures for application in organic electronics
Plenary (3)
Prof. Uwe Boveispien
06.12.2017 (Wednesday)
Title: Ultrafast spin current induced magnetization dynamics in epitaxial metallic heterostructures
Plenary (4)
Prof. Y. Shacham-Diamand
06.12.2017 (Wednesday)
Title: Printed Nano-Particles Based Bio Sensors
Plenary (5)
Prof. Shigeyuki Toki
06.12.2017 (Wednesday)
Title: Strain-induced crystallization and mechanical properties of rubber and thermo-plastic elastomer
Plenary (6)
Prof. Chan Kiat Hwa
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: Complexity In The Relationship Between Peptide Structure And Their Self-Assembly Tendencies
Plenary (7)
Prof. S. K. Mishra
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: A review of EPR studies on magnetization of nanoparticles of dilute magnetic semiconductors doped by transition-metal ions
Plenary (8)
Prof. Ajay K. Dalai
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: Development of Advanced Nanomaterials for Transportation Fuels from Biomass
Plenary (9)
Prof. Ani Idris
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) for tissue engineering
Plenary (10)
Dr. Wolfgang Betz
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: Applications of 2- and 3-dimensional Analysis on Nanostructured Materials using XPS, Auger and Time-of-Flight SIMS with MS/MS
Plenary (11)
Prof. Felicia Iacomi
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: Functional hybrid nanocomposites
Plenary (12)
Prof. Toyoko Imae
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: Fabrication and application of carbon-based composites
Plenary (13)
Prof. Tamoghna Mitra
07.12.2017 (Thursday)
Title: Porous Organic Molecular Solid for Separations