About Us

Group Photograph

Welcome to Divyadrishti Imaging Laboratory in Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee. The main theme of this research Lab is creating hardware (our own from scratch) and post-processing soft tools, mainly, related to Direct and Non-Invasive Imaging for Industrial and Medical Applications. Non-Destructive Evaluation is also similar field. The Major objective of research is to pose challenges and to improve the understanding of Radiation Propagation and its measurement, in general. The Lab offers all the instruments/components/spare parts to build your own customizable direct and non-invasive imaging devices.

The Lab is divided into 3 subsections:

Data Processing section YouTube Playlist

We generate our own Data, lots of it, from Medical and Material Science. The generated data is used to test post-processing soft tools.

*Students interesed in Modelling / Simulation of Wave Propagation, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Classical Optimization Tecniques, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Algorithm development & Applications are invited to visit us and apply for openings.

Instrumentation section YouTube Playlist

This Section of Laboratory is dedicated for the development of direct and non-invasive imaging systems.

*Students interested in Measurement and Application of Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation, Device and Material charaterization, Instrumentation Development are encouraged to visit and apply for positions.

Animal Imaging facility YouTube Playlist

The 3rd Section of Laboratory is equipped with Animal Facililty (BioSafety Level II) to house 42 Mice under Precision AC controlled environment.

*Student interested in Nano Drug, Drug Delivery, Photodynamic Imaging assisted Theronastics, and BioPhysics can send emails.

X-ray Computerized Tomography section YouTube Playlist

This Section of Laboratory caters the need of 3D Non-Destructive characterization of Metalic Biological (live animal, Bone, cultured Cell, etc.) and Non-Biological Samples (Batteries, Organic/Inorganic Materials, Semiconductor Devices, etc.) or Hybrid (Bio-Implants, etc.) in-vivo, non-invasively.

*Students interested in Measurement and Application of Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation, Device and Material charaterization, Instrumentation Development are encouraged to visit and apply for positions.