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Gaurav Manik
Head Of The Department
Research Interests

Educational Details
Professional Background


Honours and Awards

Teaching Engagements
Teaching Engagements

Associate Scholars

Administrative Positions
Research Interests
Sustainable and biodegradable polymers for advanced engineering applications, Waste-to-wealth conversion, Sustainable Multi-scale Fibre Reinforced Advanced Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites;, Biosourced Materials for Energy Generation and Storage, Applied Molecular Modeling and Simulation of Polymers, Synthesis of Biosourced Industrially-relevant Adhesives, Conductive Composites, Performance Easy-Clean, Oleophobic and Sacrificial Coatings, Process Modeling, Optimization and Control
Educational Details
I.I.T Bombay
Ph.D, Chemical Engineering
I.I.T Kanpur
M.Tech, Chemical Engineering
H B T I, Kanpur
B.Tech, Chemical Engineering
Professional Background
10 Oct 2023 - Present
IIT Roorkee
Head of Department
22 Mar 2022 - Present
IIT Roorkee
Associate Professor, Polymer and Process Engineering Department
01 Jan 2018 - Present
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Assistant Professor, Polymers & Process Engg. Department,
01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2018
IIT Roorkee
Senior Scientist (Manager), Corporate Research Materials Lab
01 Jan 2008 - 01 Jan 2012
3M, Bangalore
Lecturer, Chemical Engg Departments
01 Jan 2000 - 01 Jan 2004
BITS Pilani And BIET Jhansi
01 Jan 1997 - 01 Jan 1998
Indo Gulf Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd
Visiting (Seconded) Assistant Professor
01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, THAILAND
Value-addition to wood and wood-based composites 01 Jan 2023 Biosourced and biodegradable Coatings for wood surfaces INR 16.65 L Indian Council for Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)
Development of a performance reinforced polymeric composite material.... 01 Apr 2024 Advanced Polymer Composites 35.0L VE Dr Anurag
“Analysis of the Paper-based Sleeve Wrapping Process for Different Film Thickness” 01 Jan 2023 Packaging Films and processes INR 25.0 L SIG Int. Service GmbH Prof. Dharmansh
"Evaluation of Sustainable Additives from Fine Organics in Hot Melt Adhesive, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, 3D Printing....." 01 Aug 2023 Polymer Adhesives, PCMs and Flame Retardants INR 22.5 L Fine Organics India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Prof. Sham S. R and Prof. Sujay Chattopadhyay
Integration of parabolic trough solar collectors with MEE/IPH for reducing dependency of energy-intensive industries... 01 Jan 2023 Renewable Solar Solary Energy Concentration and Utilization INR 40.48 L Center for High Technology and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Prof. Dharmansh and Prof. Sujay Chattopadhyay
Scale-up of treatment of black liquor from paper industries using electrodialysis 01 Aug 2023 Electrodialysis for waste chemicals separation INR 251.0 L Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Prof. Sujay Chattopadhyay (PI)
Development of adhesives for tiles and other construction material 13 Jan 2023 Polymer Adhesives Project is focused on optimizing the formulation of the tile adhesives for the industry to achieve target polymer adhesives for tile bonding applications INR 21.4 L Kasper India Pvt. Ltd.
Development of micro-nano encapsulated PCM water slurry as heat transfer fluid 01 Mar 2023 Phase Change Materials INR 38.0 L DRDO Sujay Chattopadhyay (PI)
Development of sealants for self-repairing and puncture resistant tires 01 Jan 2016 Development of sealants for self-repairing and puncture resistant tires 29.5 Lakhs approx DTIL
Development of Bio-based resins and composites from Non-edible Plant oils (as mentor) 01 Jan 2016 Development of Bio-based resins and composites from Non-edible Plant oils 20.0 Lakhs approx Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST Dr Sushanta K. Sahoo (PI)
Molecular Simulation and Development of Oleophobic-Sacrificial Coatings 01 Jan 2013 Polymer Coatings INR 20.0 L IIT Roorkee
Self-Cleaning Sacrificial Coatings for Outdoor Applications 01 Jan 2009 Coatings 33,000 USD 3M India Aniket H., Aditya, Ruchi Pandey, Rachita P.,

Investigation of Thin Film Composite membrane performance for the separation of specific salts from water using ANN
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) Bhavnagar.


1.        Tushar Kanti Maiti, Manjinder Singh, Subrata Kumar Maiti, Sakchi Bhushan, Sujay Chattopadhyay, Gaurav Manik, Chapter 14, titled "Computational Modeling of Nano Composites and Interfacial Adhesion,  in book on “Advances in Polymer Composite Research: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches”, CRC Press, 2024 (under publication).

2.        Manjinder Singh, Tulika Sharma and Gaurav Manik, Biobased Epoxy Vitrimer Composites as adhesives and coatings, Book Edited by Sudheer Kumar, sukhila krishnan, Prabakaran Karauppanan, Ananthakumar Ramadoss, M R Sanjay, Suchart Siengchin, Elsevier, 2024.

3.        Suvidha Rajendra Khaire, Nikhil Ram Patra, Yuvraj Singh Negi and Gaurav Manik, A chapter on “Time temperature superposition study of polymer composites” in book on Dynamic Mechanical and Creep-Recovery Behavior of Polymer-Based Composites, Mechanical and Mathematical Modeling, by Akarsh Verma et al., 2023

4.        Gaurav Manik, Susheel Kalia, Sushanta Sahoo, Tarun K Sharma, Om Prakash Verma, as Editors of book titled: Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering) - Select Proceedings of CAMSE-2021”, Springer, 2022.

5.        Gaurav Manik, M R Sanjay, Suchart Siengchin and Vinod A, Synthetic and Mineral Fibers, Their Composites and Applications, Elsevier, 2024 (in press).

6.        Gaurav Manik, Sushanta Sethi and Atul K Maurya, Advances in Polymer Composite Research: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches, Edited book for CRC Press, 2024 (in press).

7.        Gaurav Manik, Sachin Kumar, Atul K Maurya, Manjinder Singh, Converting waste fly ash into valuable products: An insight into processing techniques and applications “From Waste to Wealth” to be published by Springer Nature Singapore, edited by Raj Kumar Arya et al., 2024, (in press).

8.        Rajesh Mahadeva, Sushanta Sethi, Atul Maurya, Saurav Dixit, Vinay Gupta and Gaurav Manik on “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Polymer Composites” in book on “Advances in Polymer Composite Research: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches”, CRC Press, 2024 (under publication).

9.        Abhinav K. Singh, Manjinder Singh, Sachin Kumar and Gaurav Manik, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Polymer Composite” in book on “Advances in Polymer Composite Research: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches”, published by CRC Press, 2024 (under publication).

10.    Sachin Kumar, Atul K Maurya, Gaurav Manik, "Mechanical Properties of Nanofillers", Chapter 8 in Handbook of Nanofillers edited by Shadpour Mallakpour and Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, 2023, (to be published soon).

11.    Meghanshu Vashishta, Gaurav Manik, Om Prakash Verma and Bhuvnesh Bhardwaj, as Editors of the book titled: “Recent innovations in Mechanical Engineering-Select Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations & Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering (ICRITDME 2020)” and Series Title “Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature Singapore Publisher, April, 2022.

12.    Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, “Thermal behaviour of elastomer blends and composites”, Book title “Elastomer blends and composites: Principles, Characterizations, Advances and Applications”, Edited by Dr. Sanjay M. R, Dr. Jyotishkumar P, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suchart Siengchin, Dr. Togay Ozbakkaloglu,  Elsevier, 2022.

13.    Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, “Viscoelastic behaviour of elastomer blends and composites”, Book title “Elastomer blends and composites: Principles, Characterizations, Advances and Applications”, Edited by Dr. Sanjay M. R, Dr. Jyotishkumar P, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suchart Siengchin, Dr. Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Elsevier, 2022.

14.    Sushanta K. Sethi, Rupam Gogoi, Gaurav Manik, Plastics in self-cleaning applications, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Polymers and Plastics, Edited by Chow Wen Shyang, In press, Elsevier, 2022.

15.    Manjinder Singh, Sachin Kadian and Gaurav Manik, Polymers in adhesive applications, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Polymers and Plastics, Edited by Chow Wen Shyang, Elsevier, 2022.

16.    Manjinder Singh and Gaurav Manik, Bio-based adhesives from plant oils, Encyclopedia of Green Materials, Springer Nature Publications, 2022.

17.    Sachin Kadian, Manjinder Singh and Gaurav Manik, Current advancements in Nanomaterials and Carbon nanotubes, Bentham Science Publishing, Under Press, 2022.

18.    Atul K. Maurya, Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Polymer-Based Nanocomposites for Removal of Pollutants from Different Environment Using Catalytic Degradation, Engineering Materials, Ahmed Esmail Shalan et al. (Eds): Advances in Nanocomposite Materials for Environmental and Energy Harvesting, Springer Nature Publications, 2022.

19.    Gaurav Manik, Susheel Kalia, Sushanta Sahoo, Tarun K Sharma, Om Prakash Verma, as Editors of book titled: “Advances in Mechanical Engineering - Select Proceedings of CAMSE-2020”, Series title: “Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Under Editing for publication in Springer Nature proceedings, 2021.

20.    Anubhav Goel and Gaurav Manik, “Solar thermal system - an insight into parabolic trough solar collector and its modelling", Prof. Ahmad Taher Azar and Nashwa Ahmad Kamal, as Series Editor, Elsevier in the book titled “Advances in Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos (ANDC); Renewable Energy systems: Modelling, control and optimization”, Elsevier, Chapter 14, pp 309-333, 2021.

21.    Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, “Polymer-based nanocomposites for removal of pollutants from different environments using catalytic degradation”, Submitted to Advances in Nanocomposites for Environment and Energy harvesting applications” Edited by Dr. Ahmed Esmail Shalan, Prof. Dr. Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouff and Prof. Dr. Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, Springer Nature, 2022.

22.    Rajesh Mahadeva, Gaurav Manik, Om Prakash Verma, Anubhav Goel and Sanjeev Kumar, “Modelling and Simulation of Reverse Osmosis system using PSO-ANN Prediction Technique in Springer’s book on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Soft Computing: Theory and Applications (SoCTA)”, Springer Nature, vol.1053, pp 1209-1219, 11 Feb. 2020.

23.    Anubhav Goel, Gaurav Manik and Rajesh Mahadeva, “A Review of Parabolic Trough Collector and Its Modeling”, in Springer’s book on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Soft Computing: Theory and Applications (SoCTA)”, Springer Nature, vol.1053, pp 803-813, 11 Feb. 2020.

24.    Smitarani Pati, Drishti Yadav, Gaurav Manik, Rajesh Singla, Om Prakash Verma, “Generalized Mathematical Modeling of MEE for Calculation of Steam Efficiency and Steam Consumption”, in Springer’s book on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Soft Computing: Theory and Applications (SoCTA)”, Springer Nature, vol.1053, pp 1303-1320, 11 Feb. 2020.

25.    Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, “Mechanical properties of wood polymer composites” as a chapter (under preparation) for book titled “Wood polymer composites-Recent Advancements and Applications”, Edited by Dr. Sanjay M. R, Dr. Jyotish Kumar P, Dr. Mohit Hemath Kumar Prof. Dr.-Ing. Habil. Suchart Siengchin, under publication in the book series Composites Science and Technology by Springer Nature, 2020.

26.    Vinay Khandelwal, Sushant K. Sahoo, Ashok Kumar and Gaurav Manik, “Sisal Fibers Reinforced Epoxidized Nonedible Oils Based Epoxy Green Composites and Its Potential Applications”, in Green Composites, Springer, Singapore, pp 73-102, 2019.

27.    Sushanta K. Sethi, Gaurav Manik, Sushanta K. Sahoo, Chapter 1: Fundamental of Superhydrophobic surfaces, Book Name: Superhydrophobic polymer coatings; Fundamental, Design, Fabrication and Applications, Editors: Sushanta K. Samal, Smita Mohanty and Sanjay Kumar Nayak, Elsevier, Published: August 21, 2019.

28.    Gaurav Manik and Sushanta K. Sahoo, Editors of book titled “Current and Future Developments in Nanomaterials and Carbon Nanotubes: Vol. 2 Application of Nanomaterials in Energy Storage and Electronics”, Bentham Science Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Bentham Science Books.

29.    Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq. H. Mohammed, Shubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik,Mathematical Modeling of Multistage Evaporator System (MSE) in Kraft Recovery Process”, in Springer’s book on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Edited by.  Pant, M., Deep, K., Bansal, J.C., Nagar, A., Das, K.N.  Proceedings of the Fifth International conference on Soft Computing and Problem Solving (SoCProS-2015), Springer, Feb, 2016.

30.    Gaurav Manik, “Protecting Ideas-Intellectual Property Rights”, in the book titled “Entrepreneurship: Learning and Implementation”, Published by the Centre for Education Growth and Research (CAGR) India, pp. 402-418, 2015


31.    Om Prakash Verma, SonuVerma and Gaurav Manik, “Analysis of Hybrid Temperature Control for Non-linear Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, in Springer’s book on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing and Problem Solving, K. N Das, 336, Springer, Published Feb 2015.


Honors And Awards
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE)
Institute of Engineers, India
Technical Forum Excellence Award
Material Research Society of India
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Life Member
Indian Society for Technical Education
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Life Member
Teaching Engagements
Teaching Engagements
Process Systems Analysis & Control ( PP-411 )
Environmental Auditing ( ED 79.06 )
Polymer Materials ( PP-356 )
Mass Transfer ( PEN-208 )
Polymer Characterization ( PEN-206 )
Elastomer Science & Rubber Technology ( PP453 )
Material and Energy Balance ( PP102 )
Environmental Management ( PP320 )
Communication Skills ( PP 322 )
Optimation and Control of Multiple Effect Evaporators using Intelligent Techniques
01 Jan 2013 - 30 Sep 2017
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Om Prakash Verma
Development and characterization of PHAs for sustainable development
15 Jul 2023 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: ABHINAV KUMAR SINGH
Development of Epoxy Based Conductive Composites
01 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2017
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Vinay Khandelwal
Molecular Simulation of hydrophobic and oleophobic environmental friendly easy-clean coatings
01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2020
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Mr. Sushanta Sethi
Light-weight high strength hybrid composites for industrial applications
01 Jan 2016 - 01 Dec 2021
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Rupam Gogoi
Modeling of Desalination process using Artificial Neutral Network
01 Jan 2017 - 01 Jun 2022
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Rajesh Mahadeva
Modeling, simulation, optimization and control of desalination process integrated with solar energy
01 Jan 2017 - 01 Apr 2023
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Anubhav Goel
Combined theoretical and experimental approach towards the development of biobased PSA
01 Jan 2018 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Manjinder Singh
Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for nanomedical applications
01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2021
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Sachin Kadian
“Rheological behavior of long-chain branched poly(ethylene terephthalate)” under DAAD-IIT Master Sch
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing Manfred Wagner, Deptt of Polymer Engineering/Polymer Physics, TU Berlin, Scholar: Shah Rajas Sudhir
Study on Elongational viscosity of HPAAM used for EOR
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: Dr.Maurice Bourrel, TOTAL Inc., Scholar: Garrepally Sandeep Kumar Enrolment No. 11412009
Development of functional bio-based materials based on natural polyphenol and polyurethane
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: Dr. Masanobu Naito, NIMS, Japan, Scholar: Joginder Bansal, Enrolment No. 11412011
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Acrylate Based pressure sensitive adhesives
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Kapil Sharma
Development of Performance PSAs from Natural Resources
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: Dr. Sujay Chattopadhaya, Scholar: Vivek Pandey and Meeta Trivedi
Molecular simulations of industrially relevant polyvinyl acetate coatings
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Yash Singhvi
Strength analysis of 3D printed polymer materials
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: M. Kamaraj & G Sarvana, IIT Madras, Scholar: S. Gowri Shankar
Molecular Simulation of PVA based anti-stain and easy clean coatings
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Sanjay Krishna
Molecular simulations of self-cleaning coatings of hydrolyzed PVAc in perfluorooctane
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Ehtesham Shakeel and Devaspati Krishnatri, 2015-2016
Mechanical and viscoelastic properties of PP, HGM and Natural Filler based composites
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Nityanshu Kumar, Enrolment: 13121013
Molecular simulations & synthesis of perfluoro based anti-stain easy clean coatings
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Nityanshu Kumar, 2015-2016
Modeling and simulation of properties of polyaniline based electrically conductive epoxy composites
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Pratik Sanjiv Kasbe, AND Nityanshu Kumar
Associate Scholars
Ankita Chouhan
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Sustainable materials for Fuel Cells
Sachin Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Hierarchical functionalized Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
Abhinav K. Singh
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Biopolymers; Biodegradable and Biocompatible polymers for Packaging applications
Om Prakash Verma
IIT Roorkee
Process Modeling, Simulation and Control
Vinay Khandelwal
IIT Roorkee
Polymer Conductive Composites
Sushanta Sethi
IIT Roorkee
Molecular simulations, coatings
Rupam Gogoi
IIT Roorkee
Light-weight high strength polymer composites
Dr Sushanta K. Sahoo (post-doctoral student)
IIT Roorkee
Bio-source based Composites
Rajesh Mahadeva
IIT Roorkee
Modeling and simulation, Artificial neural networks
Sachin Kadian
IIT Roorkee
Graphene Quantum Dots, Biosensors
Anubhav Goel
IIT Roorkee
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Solar assisted desalination
Manjinder Singh
IIT Roorkee
Molecular Modeling and Simulation, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
QIP Workshop on “Molecular Simulation Techniques”
01 Jan 2015 - Present
Advances in Packaging Technology
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Department of Paper Technology (Organizing Deptt)
Sustainable Polymer: Growing Importance in Adhesives and Coatings Industry
01 Jan 2014 - Present
SETCOR International Conference on Smart Materials and Surfaces
01 Jan 2014 - Present
International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia:Converting Aspirations to Actions
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Asian Institute of Technology, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Japan, & others
International Conference on Emerging Materials and Applications (ICEMA)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Department of Paper Technology, IIT Roorkee (Organizer)
Mesoscale Simulations of Sustainable Polymers
01 Jan 2014 - Present
Clean Technologies for Process Industries
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Department of Paper Technology, IIT Roorkee (Organizer)
Corporate Responsibility and Challenges in New Product Development and Environmental sustainability
01 Jan 2014 - Present
International perspectives on mobile health
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Yunus Center of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
Complex Fluids Symposium
31 Aug 2020 - Present
National Chemicals Laboratory (NCL) Pune
2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS-06)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and Indian Association for Computational Mechanics (IndACM)
Users Conference by Innovative Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd (COMSOL)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Computational Approaches to Materials Science-2006 (CAMS-2006)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
Biotechnology Symposium
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Bioschool Association and Research Scholar’s Forum, at IIT Bombay
National Symposium by Chemical Engineering Association (CHEA)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
IIT Bombay
58th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2005
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChe)
National Workshop on Advanced Methods for Materials Characterization (NWMC)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Mumbai Chapter
National Symposium on Nanotechnology
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Research Scholar’s Forum/Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre, IITBombay
58th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, CHEMCON-2004
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Idian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChe)
International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technologies (MACRO-2004)
01 Jan 2004 - Present
Society for Polymer Science
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, THAILAND
Visiting Seconded Faculty to teach a course in the School of Environment Resource and Development (SERD)
IIT Guwahati
Deliver Invited Talk in Second Symposium on Advances in Sustainable Polymers (ASP)
IMS Ghaziabad
Delivered a Keynote Lecture in Induction Program on “Corporate Challenges and Responsibilities in Global Scenario”, during the special session on Corporate Interface; Was also honored as Guest of Honor.
IIT Guwahati
Theme Paper/Invited Talk in First Symposium on Advances in Sustainable Polymers (ASP). Lectures delivered on “Mesoscale simulations of sustainable polymers”, “Sustainable polymers in Coatings and Adhesives Industry”,
Administrative Positions
Head of the Department, Polymer and Process Engg. Deptt.,
23 Mar 2022 - 02 Jun 2023
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Senator, IIT Roorkee
22 Mar 2022 - 08 May 2024
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Faculty-in-Charge: Training & Placement
01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2016
IIT Roorkee
Warden, Malviya Bhavan
01 Jun 2015 - 31 May 2016
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Chairperson-Department Academic Program Committee and Member, Institute Academic Progress Committee
31 Aug 2020 - 21 Mar 2022
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Faculty Advisor- Games and Sports
15 Oct 2021 - 08 May 2024
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Member, Institute Academic Program Committee (IAPC)
01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2016
IIT Roorkee
Faculty-in-Charge: Games & Sports
01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2016
IIT Roorkee
Faculty-in-charge Sports, Oct-2013 to January 2016
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

92 Nos. ; 8 Hot Access /Outstanding/ Featured Articles

1.         Manjinder Singh, Sushanta Sahoo and Gaurav Manik, Combined computational and experimental approach for bio-sourced monomers to design green pressure-sensitive adhesives, Molecular System Design and Engineering by Royal Society of Chemistry (Impact Factor: 4.92), 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3ME00080J

2.         Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Interfacial shear strength of surface functionalized and functionalized CNT coated carbon fiber: A single fiber fragmentation study, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (Impact Factor: 3.03), SAGE Journals, 2023.

3.         Smitarani Pati, Nikhil Pachori, Gaurav Manik, Om Prakash Verma, Design and optimal tuning of fraction order controller for multiple stage evaporator system, Digital Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, Vol 9, 100125, Dec 2023

4.         Anubhav Goel, Gaurav Manik, Integration of a parabolic trough solar collector with an energy-intensive multi-effect evaporator: A move towards industrial decarbonisation, Energy (Impact Factor: 8.857), Elsevier, Vol 279, 128058, Sept 2023.

5.         Smitarani Pati, Nikhil Pachauri, Om Prakash Verma and Gaurav Manik, “Design and Optimal Tuning of Fraction Order Controller for Multiple Stage Evaporator System”, Digital Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2023

6.         Manjinder Singh, Sushanta Sahoo and Gaurav Manik, Computationally developed acrylated epoxidized methyl ester based pressure-sensitive adhesives, Computational Material Science (Impact Factor: 3.572), Elsevier, Vol 228, 112329, Sept 2023.

7.         Rupam Gogoi, Sushanta K Sethi, Atul Kumar Maurya and Gaurav Manik, A molecular dynamics assisted insight on the enhancement of interfacial adhesion of carbon fiber with polypropylene matrix via a combination of surface functionalization and defect laden carbon nanotube coating, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Impact Factor: 5.518), Elsevier, Vol 668,131455, July 2023.

8.         Atul Kumar Maurya, Rajesh Mahadeva, Shashikant Patole, Gaurav Manik, “An Investigation into Performance Properties of Sustainable Polypropylene Composites Reinforced with Basalt Fiber and Fly Ash”, Polymer Composites (Impact Factor-3.531), Wiley, Vol 44, 5104-5120, June 2023.

9.         Sachin Kadian, Narendra Chaulagain, Kai Cui, N Joshi, Kaji Alam, Karthik Shankar and Gaurav Manik, Probe sonication-assisted rapid synthesis of highly fluorescent sulfur quantum dots, Nanotechnology (Impact Factor: 3.953), Vol 34, No. 30, May 2023.

10.     Sushanta K. Sethi, Sachin Kadian, Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Layer-by-layer fabrication of self-cleaning superhydrophobic surface made from Carboxymethylcellulose and ZnO quantum dots: A combined experimental and computational study, Surfaces and Interfaces (Impact Factor-6.137), Elsevier, Vol 37, 102752, 2023

11.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Vinay Gupta, Shashikant Patole, Gaurav Manik, Water Desalination using PSO-ANN Techniques: A Critical Review, Digital Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, Vol 9, 100128, Dec 2023.

12.     Anubhav Goel, Rajesh Mahadeva, Shashikant Patole and Gaurav Manik, Dynamic modeling and controller design for a parabolic trough solar collector, IEEE Access (Impact Factor: 4.34), 2023.

13.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Shashikant Patole, Anubhav Goel and Gaurav Manik, A Novel AGPSO3 based ANN Prediction Approach: Application to the RO Desalination Plant
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (Impact Factor: 2.807), Springer, Accepted, 2023.

14.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Mahendra Kumar, Vinay Gupta, Gaurav Manik and Shashikant P. Patole, Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm based ANN: a novel predictive model for RO desalination plant, Scientific Reports (Impact Factor: 4.6), 13, 2901, 2023.

15.     Atul Kumar and Gaurav Manik, “Advances towards development of industrially relevant short natural fiber reinforced and hybridized polypropylene composites for various industrial applications: A Review", Vol 30, Issue 1, Page 101, Journal of Polymer Research (Impact Factor: 3.061), Springer, 2022.

16.     Atul Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Development and characterization of a recycled nylon fiber reinforced and nano-fly ash hybridized high impact performance polypropylene composite for sustainability, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (Impact Factor: 3.027), SAGE, 2022;

17.     Rhiya Paul, Manjinder Singh, V J. Vidhya, Gaurav Manik, Sushanta Sahoo, Bio-based pressure sensitive adhesives derived from cardanol, vanillin and sebacic acid for removable non-structural applications, 62, 1, pp 423-434, ACS Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (Impact Factor: 4.326), 2022.

18.     Ankita Dhiman, Aastha Gupta, Sushanta Kumar Sethi, Gaurav Manik and Garima Agarwal, Encapsulation of Wax in Complete Silica Microcapsules, Journal of Materials Research (Impact Factor: 2.95), Springer, 2022.

19.     Anubhav Goel and Gaurav Manik, “Techno-economic optimization of a parabolic trough solar collector using multi-objective genetic algorithm”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress (Impact Factor: 4.63), Elsevier, Vol 37, 101539, 2022.

20.     Anubhav Goel and Gaurav Manik, Analysis and optimization of parabolic trough solar collector to improve its optical performance, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation (Impact Factor: 2.238), 145(3), 031009, 2022.

21.     Sushanta K. Sethi, Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, How can the geometry of a rough surface affect its wettability? -A coarse-grained simulation analysis, Vol 172, pp 107062, Progress in Organic Coatings (Impact Factor: 6.206), Elsevier, 2022. 

22.     Rupam Gogoi, Atul K. Maurya and Gaurav Manik, A Review On Recent Development In Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polyolefin Composites” Composites Part C: Open, Elsevier, Vol 8, August 2022, 100279, 2022.

23.     Manisha Chatterjee, Prathul Nath, Sachin Kadian, Anshul Kumar, Vishal Kumar, Partha Roy, Gaurav Manik and Soumitra Satapathi, Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Dopamine with Boron and Sulphur co-doped Graphene Quantum Dots, Scientific Reports (Impact Factor: 4.38), 12, 9061, 2022

24.     Ajay Vishwakarma, Manjinder Singh, Bartosz W., V J Reddy, Baljinder Kandola, Gaurav Manik, Arvind Dasari and Sujay Chattopadhyay, Construction of hydrophobic fire retardant coating on cotton fabric using a layer-by-layer spray coating method, International J. of Biological Macromolecules (Impact Factor: 8.2), Elsevier, Volume 223, Part B, 31, Pages 1653-1666, 2022

25.     Narendra Chaulagain, Kazi Alam, Sachin Kadian, Navneet Kumar, John Garcia, Gaurav Manik, Karthik Shankar, Synergistic Enhancement of the Photoelectrochemical Performance of TiO2 Nanorod Arrays Through Embedded Plasmon and Surface Carbon Nitride Co-Sensitization, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (Impact Factor: 10.383), 14, 21, 24309–24320, 2022

26.     Tushar Kanti Maiti, Jitendra Singh, Subrata Kumar Maiti, Jagannath Majhi, Arihant Ahuja, Manjinder Singh, Anasuya Bandyopadhyay, Gaurav Manik, Sujay Chattopadhyay, Molecular dynamics simulations and experimental studies of the perfluorosulfonic acid-based composite membranes containing sulfonated graphene oxide for fuel cell applications, European Polymer Journal (Impact factor: 5.546), Vol 174, 111345, July 2022.

27.     Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Development and characterization of surface functionalized hierarchical carbon fiber reinforced hybrid polypropylene composites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Material, Vol. 26, Issue 7, May 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.330)

28.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Mahendra Kumar, Shashikant Patole and Gaurav Manik, Employing artificial neural network for accurate modeling, simulation and performance analysis of an RO-based desalination process, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. 35, 100735, 2022. (Impact Factor: 4.028)

29.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Mahendra Kumar, Shashikant Patole and Gaurav Manik, Desalination Plant Performance Prediction Model Using Grey Wolf Optimizer based ANN Approach, IEEE Access Vol. 10, 34550-34561, 2022. (Impact Factor: 4.34)

30.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Mahendra Kumar, Shashikant Patole and Gaurav Manik, An optimized PSO-ANN model for improved prediction of water treatment desalination plant performance”, Water Supply, 22 (3), 2874-2882, 2022. (Impact Factor: 1.275)

31.     Sushanta K. Sethi, Sachin Kadian and Gaurav Manik, “A review of recent progress in molecular dynamics and coarse-grain simulations assisted understanding of wettability”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2022. (Impact Factor: 9.18)

32.     Anubhav Goel, Om Prakash Verma and Gaurav Manik, “Designing a robust analytical model of a parabolic trough solar collector through in-depth analysis of convective heat transfers”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 2022. (Impact Factor: 2.807)

33.     Ashish Kalkal, Sachin Kadian, Sumit Kumar, Prosenjit Sen, Saurabh Kumar, P. Gopinath, Gaurav Manik, Ti3C2-MXene decorated with nanostructured silver as a dual-energy acceptor for the fluorometric Neuron Specific Enolase detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 195 (2022) 113620. The work was highlighted in Atlas of Science on March 24, 2022. (Impact Factor: 10.618)

34.     Atul Kumar, Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Recycling and Reinforcement Potential for the fly ash and sisal fiber reinforced hybrid polypropylene composite, Polymer Composites, Wiley,  2022, 43, 1060–1077. (Impact Factor: 3.531)

35.     Anubhav Goyal, Om Prakash Verma and Gaurav Manik, “Combinatorial and geometric optimization of a parabolic trough solar collector, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39, 284–305, 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.309)

36.     Arun Yadav, Chandravati, Sushanta Sethi, Bailiang Xue, Yuanyuan Xia, Ke Li, Gaurav Manik, Xinping Li, Micro-designed Nanocellulose Based Flexible Antibacterial Aerogel Architectures Impregnated with Bioactive Cinnamomum cassia, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021, 13 (4), 4874-4885. (Impact Factor: 10.383)

37.     Ramesh Kumar, Jitendra Kumar, Sachin Kadian, Priya Shrivastava, Gaurav Manik and Monojit Bag, Tunable Ionic Conductivity and Photoluminescence in Quasi-2D CH3NH3PbBr3 Thin Film Incorporating Sulphur Doped Graphene Quantum Dots, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 22733-22742. (Impact Factor: 3.676)

38.     Manjinder Singh, Sushanta K Sethi and Gaurav Manik, Pressure-sensitive adhesives based on acrylated epoxidized linseed oil: A computational approach, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 103031, Vol. 112, 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.4)

39.     Ashish Kalkal, Sachin Kadian, Rangadhan Pradhan, P. Gopinath, Gaurav Manik, Photoluminescent Graphene Quantum dots for optical and electrochemical biosensors: An insight, Materials Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2, 5513 – 5541, 2021; (Impact Factor: 3.18)

40.     Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi, Gaurav Manik, A combined theoretical and experimental investigation of the valorization of mechanical and thermal properties of the fly ash reinforced polypropylene hybrid composites, Journal of Materials Science, 56, 16976–16998, 2021. (Impact Factor: 4.682)

41.     Uday Shankar, Sushanta K. Sethi, Bhanu P. Singh, Ashok Kumar, Gaurav Manik and Anasuya Bandyopadhyay, Optically Transparent and Lightweight Nanocomposite Substrate of Poly(methyl methacrylate)-co-Acrylonitrile/MWCNT for Optoelectronic Applications: An Experimental and Theoretical insight, Journal of Materials Science, 56, 17040–17061, 2021. (Impact Factor: 4. 682)

42.     Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi, Gaurav Manik,, Mechano-chemically activated fly-ash and sisal fiber reinforced PP hybrid composite with enhanced mechanical properties, Cellulose, 28, 8493–8508, 2021. (Impact Factor: 6.123)

43.     Sachin Kadian, Naveen Kumar Tailor, Narendra Chaulagain, Karthik Shankar, Soumitra Satapathi, Gaurav Manik, Effect of sulfur‑doped graphene quantum dots incorporation on morphological, optical and electron transport properties of CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32, 17406–17417, 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.478)

44.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Mahindra Kumar, Shashikant Patole, Gaurav Manik, Modeling, simulation and optimization of the membrane performance of seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant using neural network and fuzzy based soft computing techniques, Desalination and Water Treatment. 229 (July), 17-30, 2021. (Impact Factor: 1.254)

45.     Rupam Gogoi, Sushanta K. Sethi and Gaurav Manik, Surface functionalization and CNT coating induced improved interfacial interactions of carbon fiber with polypropylene matrix: A molecular dynamics study, Applied Surface Science, 539, 148162, 2021. (Impact Factor: 7.392)

46.     Sushanta K. Sethi and Gaurav Manik, A combined theoretical and experimental investigation on the wettability of PVAc-g-PDMS/MWCNT based easy clean coating, Progress in Organic coatings, Elsevier, Vol. 151, 106092, Feb 2021. (Impact Factor: 6. 206)

47.     Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Development of thermally conductive and high specific strength polypropylene composites for thermal management applications in automotive, Polymer Composites, Wiley, 42, 1945–1960, 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.531)

48.     Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi, Gaurav Manik, Study of the moisture mitigation and toughening effect by fly-ash particles on sisal fiber-reinforced polymer composites, Journal of Polymer and Environment, 29, 2321–2336, 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.667)

49.     Sachin Kadian, Sushanta Sethi and Gaurav Manik, Recent advancements in synthesis and property control of graphene quantum dots for biomedical and optoelectronic applications, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, a journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 5, 627-658, 2021. (Impact Factor: 8.683) Announced as Top 10% of highly cited works in RSC Journals.

50.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Romil Mehta, Amit Bhattacharya, Gaurav Manik, An experimental and computational investigation of poly(piperizinamide) thin film composite membrane for salts separation from water using Artificial Neural Network, Desalination and Water Treatment. 224 (June), 106-121, 2021. (Impact Factor: 1.254)

51.     Sachin Kadian, Gaurav Manik, Neeladrisingha Das and Partha Roy, Targeted bioimaging and sensing of folate receptor positive cancer cells using folic acid-conjugated sulfur doped graphene quantum dots, Microchimica Acta, 187 (458), 2020. Announced as an Outstanding Article by the Journal. (Impact Factor: 6.408)

52.     Sushanta K. Sethi, Anubhav Goel and Gaurav Manik, A multi-scale modeling and simulation study to investigate the effect of roughness of a surface on its self-clean performance, Molecular System Design and Engineering by Royal Society of Chemistry, 5, 1277-1289, 2020. Announced as a Hot Access/Outstanding Article by the Journal. (Impact Factor: 4.920)

53.     Sushanta K Sethi, Lokesh Soni, Uday Shankar and Gaurav Manik, Fabrication and Analysis of ZnO Quantum Dots Based Easy Clean Coating: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation, Chemistry Select, 5, 8942–895, 2020. (Impact Factor: 2.307)

54.     Sachin Kadian, Gaurav Manik, Poonam Nehra, Rishi Pal Chauhan, Neeladrisingha Das and Partha Roy, Synthesis, characterization and investigation of synergistic antibacterial activity and cell viability of silver-sulfur doped graphene quantum dots (Ag@S-GQDs) nanocomposite, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Issue 15, 8, 3028, 2020, Featured in a themed collection of top 50 most popular articles published in 2020. (Impact Factor: 7.571)

55.     Sachin Kadian, Gaurav Manik, Ashish Kalkal, Manjinder Singh, Rishi Pal Chauhan, Sulfur doped Graphene Quantum Dots as a Potential Sensitive Fluorescent Probe for the Detection of Quercetin, Food Chemistry, Vol. 317, 126457, 2020. (Impact Factor: 9.231)

56.     Sushanta K. Sethi, Lokesh Soni, Uday Shankar, Rishi Pal Chauhan, Gaurav Manik, A molecular dynamics simulation study to investigate poly(vinyl acetate)-poly(dimethyl siloxane) based easy-clean coating: An insight into the surface behavior and substrate interaction, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1202, 127342, 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.8)

57.     Ashish Kalkal, Rangadhar Pradhan, Sachin Kadian, Gaurav Manik, Packirisamy, Gopinath, Biofunctionalized graphene quantum dots based fluorescent biosensor towards efficient detection of small cell lung cancer, ACS Applied Biomaterials, 3, 8, 4922–4932, 2020.

58.     Sachin Kadian and Gaurav Manik, A highly sensitive and selective real‑time detection of picric acid in aqueous medium using blue fluorescent sulphur doped graphene quantum dots, Luminescence, 35, 763–772, 2020. Featured as the Top-cited article in the year 2020-21. (Impact Factor: 2.613)

59.     Om Prakash Verma, Gaurav Manik, Sushanta Sethi, A comprehensive review of renewable energy source on energy optimization of black liquor in MSE using steady and dynamic state modeling, simulation and control, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 100, 90-109, Feb. 2019. (Impact Factor: 16.799)

60.     Vinay Khandelwal, Sushant K Sahoo, Ashok Kumar, Sushanta K Sethi, Gaurav Manik, Bio-sourced electrically conductive epoxidized linseed oil based composites filled with polyaniline and carbon nanotubes, Composites B: Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 172, 76-82, 2019. (Impact Factor: 13.1)

61.     Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, High specific strength hybrid polypropylene composites using carbon fibre and hollow glass microspheres: Development, characterization and comparison with empirical models, Composites B: Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 173, 106875, 2019. (Impact Factor: 13.1)

62.     Sachin Kadian, Gaurav Manik, Ashish Kalkal, Manjinder Singh, Rishi Pal Chauhan, Effect of sulfur doping on fluorescence and quantum yield of graphene quantum dots: An experimental and theoretical investigation, Nanotechnology, Vol. 30, 43, 435704, 2019. (Impact Factor 3.404)

63.     Sushant K. Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal and Gaurav Manik, Synthesis and characterization of low viscous and highly acrylated epoxidized methyl ester based green adhesives derived from linseed oil, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol. 89, 174-177, 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.4)

64.     Sushanta K Sethi, Gaurav Manik, Fabrication and characterization of non-fluoro based transparent easy clean coating formulations optimized from molecular dynamics simulation, Progress in Organic Coatings, Elsevier, Vol. 136, 2019. (Impact Factor: 6.6)

65.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Gaurav Manik, Anubhav Goel, Nirajan Dhakal, A review of the Artificial Neural Network based modelling and simulation approaches applied to optimize Reverse Osmosis Desalination techniques, Desalination and water treatment, 156, 245–256, 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.254)

66.     Garima Agarwal, SK Samal, Sushanta Kumar Sethi, Gaurav Manik and Rahul Agarwal, Microgel/silica hybrid colloids: Bioinspired synthesis and controlled release application, Polymer, 121599, 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.231)

67.     Rupam Gogoi, Nityanshu Kumar, Shubham Mireja, Gaurav Manik, Sham S. Ravindranath, Shishir Sinha, Effect of Hollow Glass Microspheres on the morphology, rheology, and crystallinity of short bamboo fiber-reinforced hybrid polypropylene composite, Journal of Materials, Vol. 71, No. 2, 2019. (Impact factor: 4.682)

68.     Vinay Khandelwal, Sushant K. Sahoo, Ashok Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Carbon nanotubes and polyaniline filled hybrid epoxy composites: Assessing the viscoelastic behavior and mechanical properties, Polymer Composites, Wiley, Vol. 40, Issue S2, E1143-E1150, March 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.531)

69.     Vinay Khandelwal, Sushant K. Sahoo, Ashok Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Electrically conductive green composites based on epoxidized linseed oil and polyaniline: An insight into electrical, thermal and mechanical properties, Composites B: Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 136, 149-157, 2018. (Impact Factor: 13.1)

70.     Sushanta K Sethi, Lokesh Soni, Gaurav Manik, Component compatibility study of poly(dimethyl siloxane) with poly(vinyl acetate) of varying hydrolysis content: An atomistic and mesoscale simulation approach, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol. 272, 73-83, 2018. (Impact Factor: 6.633)

71.     Sushanta K Sethi and Gaurav Manik, Recent progress in super hydrophobic/hydrophilic self-cleaning surfaces for various industrial applications: A review, Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 57(18), 1932-1952, 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.973)

72.     Rajesh Mahadeva, Gaurav Manik, Om Prakash Verma, Shishir Sinha, Modelling and simulation of Desalination Process using Artificial Neural Network: A review, Desalination and water treatment, 122, 351-364, 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.254)

73.     Sushant K. Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal and Gaurav Manik, A renewable approach to synthesize highly toughened bio-epoxy from castor oil derivative-epoxy methyl ricinoleate and cured with bio-renewable phenalkamine, ACS Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 57, 33, 11323-11334, 2018. (Impact Factor: 4.326)

74.     Sushant K. Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal and Gaurav Manik, Influence of epoxidized linseed oil and sisal fibers on structure–property relationship of epoxy biocomposite, Polymer Composites, Wiley, 39, S4, E2595-E2605, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.171)

75.     Sushanta Kumar Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal and Gaurav Manik, Development of toughened bio-based epoxy with epoxidized linseed oil as reactive diluent and cured with biorenewable crosslinker, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 29 (1), 565-574, 2018, Amongst top 20 most downloaded articles published between July 2016 and June 2018, in the 12-months post online publication. (Impact Factor: 3.348).

76.     Sushant K. Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal, Gaurav Manik, Development of completely bio-based epoxy networks derived from epoxidized linseed and castor oil cured with citric acid, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 29 (7), 2080-2090, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.348)

77.     Sushant K. Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal, Gaurav Manik, Influence of Epoxidized Linseed Oil and Sisal Fiberson Structure–Property Relationship of Epoxy Biocomposite, Polymer Composites, Wiley, Vol. 39, Issue S4, E2595-E2605, Dec. 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.171)

78.     Om Prakash Verma, Gaurav Manik, Suryakant, Vinay Kumar Jain, Deepak Kumar Jain, Haoxiang Wang, Minimization of energy consumption in multiple stage evaporator using Genetic Algorithm, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Vol. 20, 130-140, Dec. 2018. (Impact Factor: 4.923)

79.     Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq. H. Mohammed, Shubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik, Simulation and control of a complex nonlinear dynamic behavior of multi-stage evaporator using PID and Fuzzy-PID controllers, Journal of Computational Science, 25, 238-251, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.817)

80.     Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq. H. Mohammed, Shubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik, Modeling, simulation and control of the dynamics of a Heptads’ effect evaporator system used in the Kraft recovery processes, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, SAGE, Vol. 40, Issue 7, 2018. (Impact Factor: 2.146)

81.     Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq Haji MohammedShubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik, Minimization of energy consumption in multi-stage evaporator system of Kraft recovery process using Interior-Point Method, Energy, Vol.129, 148-157, 2017. (Impact Factor: 8.857)

82.     Vinay Khandelwal, Sushant K. Sahoo, Ashok Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Study on effect of carbon nanotube on the properties of electrically conductive epoxy/polyaniline adhesives, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 28(19), 14240-14251, 2017. (Impact Factor: 2.220)

83.     Nityanshu Kumar, Shubham Mireja, Vinay Khandelwal, Arun B and Gaurav Manik, Light-weight and high-strength hollow glass microspheres and bamboo fiber based hybrid polyproylene composite: A strength analysis and morphological study, Composites B: EngineeringElsevier, 109, 277-285, 2017. (Impact Factor: 13.1)

84.     Om Prakash Verma, Gaurav Manik and Toufiq Haji Mohammed, Energy Management in Multi-stage evaporator through a steady and dynamic state analysisKorean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34, 2570–2583, 2017. (Impact Factor: 2.690)

85.     Pratik S. Kasbe, Nityanshu Kumar and Gaurav Manik, A molecular simulation analysis of influence of lignosulphonate addition on properties of modified 2-ethyl hexyl acrylate/methyl methacrylate/acrylic acid based pressure sensitive adhesive, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Elsevier, 78, 45-54, 2017. (Impact Factor: 3.4)

86.     Om Prakash Verma, Suryakant, Gaurav Manik, Solution of SNLAE model of backward feed multiple effect evaporator system using genetic algorithm approach, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer Nature, Vol. 8, Issue 1, 63-78, 2017. (Impact Factor: 1.020)

87.     Nityanshu Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Molecular dynamics simulations of polyvinyl acetate-perfluorooctane based anti-stain coatings, Polymer, 100, 194-205, 2016. (Impact Factor: 4.432)

88.     Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq. H. Mohammed, Shubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik, Optimization of steam economy and consumption of heptad’s effect evaporator system in Kraft recovery process, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer Nature, 9(1), 111-130, Published online 25 May 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.020)

89.     Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq. H. Mohammed, Shubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik, Modeling the Dynamics of Heptads’ Effect Evaporator System in the Kraft Recovery Processes. International Journal of Control Theory and its Application, 9(11), 2016. (ESCI, Impact Factor: 0.21)

90.     Gaurav Manik and Byravan Arun, “Glass Bubbles in Engineering Polymers: Impact Analysis on Thermal and Mechanical properties”, Modern Plastics and Polymers (National), Vol 2, pp 88-90, Feb 2012.

91.     Gaurav Manik and Byravan Arun, “Glass Bubbles in Engineering Polymers: High powered impact on performance”, Modern Plastics and Polymers (National), Vol 6, no 10, pp 68-70, 2011.

92.     Gaurav Manik and Byravan Arun, “Fluropolymer based polymer processing additives: Exploring compatibility with engineering polymers”, Modern Plastics and Polymers (National)Vol 7, No 2, pp 80-84, July 2011.



1.        Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, “Surface functionalized hierarchical carbon fiber reinforced composites hybrid polypropylene composites and the method of preparation”, Patent Application No. 202111050223, Filed on 2/11/2021, Published on 26/11/2021, Patent No. 400382 GRANTED 29/06/2022

2.        Gaurav Manik and Manjinder Singh,A solvent-free method to synthesize bio-based pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) for various applications”, Patent Application No. 202211058465 filed on 13/10/2022, Granted Sept 20, 2023.

3.        Gaurav Manik and Atul K. Maurya, “A basalt fiber and fly ash reinforced hybrid polypropylene composites and method of preparation”, Patent Application No. 202211035355, Filing Date: 20/June/2022, Published on the IPO website vide The Patent Office Journal No. 28/2022 Dated 15/07/2022, Granted July 2022.

4.        Gaurav Manik, Sachin Kumar and Atul K. Maurya, A fly ash reinforced waste plastics brick for the construction purpose and its method of preparation”, 202211074970 dated 23/12/2022.

5.      Gaurav Manik, Nityanshu Kumar, Shubham Mireja and Alok Kumar Yadav, A sealant composition, Patent Application No. 201721028537, PCT application no. PCT/IB2018/056034, Patent Filed 12 August 2017, Publication Date: 11 Feb 2019, Patent No. 352393, GRANTED 26/Nov/2020

6.      Gaurav Manik, Nityanshu Kumar, Shubham Mireja and Alok Kumar Yadav, A process of preparing a sealant composition, Patent App. No. 201721028538, PCT application no. PCT/IB2018/056036, Patent Filed 12 Aug 2017, Publication Date: 14 Feb 2019, Patent No. 352006, GRANTED 23/Nov/2020

7.      Gaurav Manik, Ruchi Pandey, Rachita P, Prabha H, G. Satyanarayan, “Coating compositions and multi-layered films for easy-to-clean surfaces”, Local filing No. 5316/CHE/2012, Filed Dec 2012, PCT International Patent Application No. PCT/US2013/073897, US App. No. US 14/653,496, Filed Dec 9, 2013, Published 3rd Dec 2015, GRANTED 13 Feb 2018.

8.      Gaurav Manik, Aniket H., Jitendra S. Rathore, Suresh Iyer, “Linerless Sheeting Article”, Patent Application Number PCT/IN2013/000534, Publication No. US8622555 B2, Filed Sept 2013, Publication June 2016; GRANTED Patent, Patent No. 9890290 B2; Patent Number: WO2015029049-A1; CN105492556-A; US2016168424-A1; EP3039093-A1; JP2016536416-W

9.      Vivek Krishnan, Gaurav Manik, Gajendra Rao, “A security label construction with special switching features”, US GRANTED Patent, Patent No. US8622555 B2, Application no. 12/872637, Filed 31 August 2010, Published 01/03/2012, GRANTED 7 JAN 2014.

10.  Gaurav Manik, Purushotham Adoni, Sujatha Narayan and Dhritisundar B., “Device and method of producing illuminated graphics”, Patent application Number 2421/CHE/2009, Filed 16 Oct 2009, Published April 2011.



75  No. Total; 5 Conference Best Paper Awards


1.        Manjinder Singh and Gaurav Manik, Development of removable pressure-sensitive adhesives from modified linseed oil with tunable properties, ICSMEA 2024-IIT Madras, 1-3 Feb 2024.

2.        Gaurav Manik and Manjinder Singh, Sustainable and performance adhesives for healthcare and packaging applications: An experimental development and molecular simulation perspective, ICSMEA 2024-IIT Madras, 1-3 Feb 2024.

3.        Sachin Kumar and Gaurav Manik, International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ICEES), Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, February, 2024.

4.        Rahul Lodhi and Gaurav Manik, “Preparation of formaldehyde-free lignin-based valuable wood adhesive” International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ICEES), Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, February, 2024.

5.        Saurabh Maliyan and Gaurav Manik, International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ICEES), Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, February, 2024.

6.        Manjinder Singh and Gaurav Manik, “Computational developed bio-based pressure sensitive adhesives for healthcare applications”, Material Research Scociety, Fall Meeting, Massachusetts, Boston, USA, Nov 27, 2023.

7.        Sachin Kumar, Abhishek Tripathi and Gaurav Manik, “Carbon fiber synthesis from various sources for the development of high-performance reinforced polymer composite: A short review”, International Hybrid Conference on Nano Structured Materials and Polymers (ICNP-2023), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. May 2023.

8.         Sushanta Sethi and Gaurav Manik, Exploring the Impact of Orientation and Nature of Filler Material on Water Droplet Bouncing: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations, SPSI-MACRO-2023, IIT GUWAHATI, Dec 10-13, 2023.

9.         Gaurav Manik, Rupam Gogoi and Sushanta K. Sethi, Molecular simulation-inspired development of hierarchical carbon fibres-reinforced high-strength light-weight hybrid polymer composites, SPSI-MACRO-2023, IIT GUWAHATI, Dec 10-13, 2023.

10.     Abhinav K. Singh, Sachin Kumar, Gaurav Manik, A review on the synthesis and applications of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA): An environmentally benign alternative to petrochemical-based polymers, International Conference on Optoelectronics and Bioinspired Materials (ICOBIN), IIT Roorkee, 4-6 Dec 2023 (Accepted)

11.    Sachin Kumar, and Gaurav Manik, “Environmentally benign utilization of waste fly ash for industrial construction application” The International Seminar "Young 4 Soft Matter" 2023 , 2nd Polish-Slovenian Edition – International Seminar on Soft Matter. June 2023.

12.     Saurabh Maliyan, Sumit Rahar, Rahul Lodhi, Gaurav Manik, Preparation of lignin-based formaldehyde-free wood adhesive, International Conference on Optoelectronics and Bioinspired Materials (ICOBIN), IIT Roorkee, 4-6 Dec 2023 (Accepted)

13.     Sachin Kumar, Atul Kumar Maurya, Gaurav Manik, Development and characterization of high-performance and Sustainable Polymer Composite Reinforced with Natural and Synthetic Fibres: A Review, International Conference on Optoelectronics and Bioinspired Materials (ICOBIN), IIT Roorkee, 4-6 Dec 2023.

14.    Sachin Kumar and Gaurav Manik, “Value added utilization of fly ash from thermal power plants and metal manufacturing industries”, International Conference on Convergence of Interdisciplinary Science, February 25 and 26, 2023.

15.     Abhinav K. Singh, Manjinder Singh, Sachin Kumar, Rahul Lodhi, Gaurav Manik, Versatile   Applications of Polyacrylates and their Derivatives: A review, International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, SPSI-MACRO-2023, IIT GUWAHATI, Dec 10-13, 2023.

16.     Sachin Kumar, Abhinav Kumar Singh, Suvidha Rajendra Khaire, Atul Kumar Maurya, and Gaurav Manik, Development and characterization of hybrid recycled polymer composite reinforced with naturally sourced basalt fiber and groundnut shell powder, SPSI-MACRO-2023, IIT GUWAHATI, Dec 10-13, 2023, (Accepted)

17.     Sachin Kumar, Atul Kumar Maurya, Gaurav Manik, Development and characterization of fly-ash reinforced polymer composites for effective industrial waste valorization, APA 2024 International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 Jan, 2024 (Accepted)

18.     Sachin Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Upcycling of industrial waste fly-ash for developing reinforced polymer composites, Indo-South Korea-Thailand 3rd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Energy, Environment and Biomedical Applications (iNEEBA-2023), Oct 1-2 2023. Received Best Paper Award.

19.     Atul Kumar Maurya, Sachin Kumar, Arjun S Chaudhari, Gaurav Manik, Impact of Recycling on the Aspect Ratio and Mechanical Properties of the Short Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites, International conference on eco-friendly fibers and polymeric materials, King Mongkut's University of Technology (North Bangkok Conference), 19-20th February 2024 (Accepted)

20.    Sachin Kumar, and Gaurav Manik. “Value-added utilization of fly ash waste from industries: A step towards sustainability”, International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023), Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut , India. May 2023.

21.    Atul Kumar Maurya, Sachin Kumar, Manjinder Singh and Gaurav Manik, Polyamide fiber reinforced polymeric composites: A Short Review, 3rd International Congress on Advances in System and Mechanical Engineering (CAMSE-2022), National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India. 14-16 July 2022; Materials Today: Proceedings, Oct 2022.

22.    Manjinder Singh and Gaurav Manik, Pressure-sensitive adhesives derived from bio-sourced materials, 3rd International Congress on Advances in System and Mechanical Engineering (CAMSE-2022), National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India. 14-16 July 2022;

23.    Anubhav Goel, Om Prakash Verma and Gaurav Manik, Inspection of dynamic modelling and control of a parabolic trough solar collector, 3rd International Congress on Advances in System and Mechanical Engineering (CAMSE-2022), National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India. 14-16 July 2022; Materials Today: Proceedings, Oct 2022.

24.    Anubhav Goel, Om Prakash Verma, and Gaurav Manik “Analytical modeling of parabolic trough solar collector”, In proceedings titled Soft Computing: Theories and Applications under series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, SPRINGER. 6th International conference on Soft-computing: Theories and applications (SoCTA-2021), Indian Institute of Information Technology Kota, Rajasthan, December 17 – 19, 2021.

25.    Anubhav Goel, Om Prakash Verma, and Gaurav Manik “Flow rate optimization of a parabolic trough solar collector using multi-objective genetic algorithm”, In proceedings titled Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering under series Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, SPRINGER. 2nd Congress on Advances in Mechanical and Systems Engineering (CAMSE-2021), Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, July 17 – 19, 2021.

26.    Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi, and Gaurav Manik. “Sisal fiber/fly ash reinforced hybrid polypropylene composite: An investigation into the thermal, rheological and crystallographic properties”. 2nd International Congress on Advances in System and Mechanical Engineering (CAMSE-2021), National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India. 17-19 July 2021.

27.    Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi, and Gaurav Manik. “Effect of nano fly ash hybridization on thermomechanical and thermal degradation properties of sisal fiber reinforced polypropylene composite”, International Online Conference on Nano Materials (ICN 2021), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. 9-11 April 2021.

28.    Sachin Kadian and Gaurav Manik, Das, N., Nehra. P., et al., One-step synthesis of biocompatible sulfur-doped graphene quantum dots decorated silver nanoparticles for synergistic antibacterial activity, presented in International Online Conference on Nano Materials (ICN 2021) 9-11th April 2021, at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.

29.    R. Mahadeva, M. Kumar, S.P. Patole, Gaurav Manik, “Employing Artificial Neural Network for accurate modeling, simulation and performance analysis of an RO-based desalination process”, 12th Inter. Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC’21)”, USA (Due to Covid-19 Online), 18-21 Oct. 2021.

30.    Sachin Kadian, Chaulagain, N., Rajashekhar, H., Vrushabendrakumar, D., Gaurav Manik, and Shankar, K., “An ultrasensitive fluorescent paper based acidic gas sensing platform” presented in International virtual Conference “IEEE Sensors 2021” held during Oct 31 - Nov 4th, 2021.

31.     Manjinder Singh, Gaurav Manik, A computational approach towards the development of pressure-sensitive adhesives based on acrylated epoxidized methyl ester, presented in Second International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends in Clean Technologies for Sustainable Environment (CTSE-2021) during 06-07 May 2021, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India.

32.    Atul Kumar Maurya, Rupam Gogoi, and Gaurav Manik, “Study of the effect of multiple recycling on the mechanical properties of Sisal Fiber and Fly ash Reinforced hybrid Composites”. Fifth International Conference on Reuse and Recycling of Materials (ICRM-2020), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, December 2020.

33.    Sachin Kadian and Gaurav Manik, “Effect of Heteroatom Doping on Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Graphene Quantum Dots for Optical Sensing Probe” presented in SPECTRUM 2020, 3rd International Students’ Conference on Current Advancements in Science & Technology, held on 9-11th October, 2020 organized by Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India, in association with Society of Physics Students’ Chapter, American Institute of Physics. (Received Best paper award)

34.    Sachin Kadian and Gaurav Manik, “Selective sensing of a highly mutagenic nitro-explosive compound picric acid to safeguard the environment, wildlife and civilians” presented in National Conference on Nanoscience and Instrumentation Technology (NCNIT-2020), 13-15th March, 2020, organised by Department of Physics, NIT Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. (Received Best Paper Award)

35.    Atul K. Maurya and Gaurav Manik, “Study of effect of multiple recycling on the mechanical properties of Sisal Fiber and Fly ash Reinforced hybrid Composites” in Fifth International Online Conference on Reuse and Recycling of Materials and their products (ICRM – 2020), at Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, Kerala, India, 11-13 December 2020.

36.    Smitarani Pati, Gaurav Manik, Rajesh Singla and Om Prakash Verma, “Energy optimization of nonlinear optimization models of Multiple Stage Evaporator using GA and PSO”, CTSE-2019, being held in SSN College of Engineering, Chennai from September 26–27, 2019.

37.    Rajesh Mahadeva, Romil Mehta, Gaurav Manik and Amit Bhattacharya, “An experimental and computational investigation of poly (piperizinamide) thin film composite membrane for the separation of monovalent and bivalent salts from water using artificial neural network” at 4th International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, Perth Australia, 1-4th December 2019.

38.    Rupam Gogoi, Sushanta K. Sethi and Gaurav Manik, “Study of the effects of CNT growth over carbon fibre on interfacial properties using Molecular Dynamics simulations”, 30th International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Seville, Spain, 8-12th September, 2019.

39.    Rupam Gogoi, Shubham Mireja, Sushanta K. Sethi and Gaurav Manik “Natural fibre based hybrid polypropylene composites: an insight into thermal properties” in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, 11-16th August, 2019.

40.    Sushanta K. Sethi, Manjinder Singh and Gaurav Manik, “Impact of carbon nanotube on PVAc-g-PDMS based transparent self-clean coating: A molecular simulation approach”, 30th International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Seville, Spain, 8-12th September, 2019.

41.    Rajesh Mahadeva, Gaurav Manik, Anubhav Goel, Poster Presentation at Indo-German Joint Scientific Workshop on Membranes for Water and Energy, at CSIR-Central Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujrat, sponsored by Indo-German Science & Technology Center, 18-20th February, 2019.

42.    Rajesh Mahadeva, Gaurav Manik, Anubhav Goel and Sanjeev Kumar, Modelling of reverse osmosis desalination process using PSO-ANN prediction technique, 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing: Theory and Applications, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Dec 21-23, 2018.

43.    Rajesh Mahadeva, Gaurav Manik and Anubhav Goel, A review of the artificial neural network based modeling and simulation approaches applied to reverse osmosis desalination techniques, in International Conference on Desalination (InDACON-2018), held at Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Tiruchirapalli, 20-21st April, 2018.

44.    Smitarani Pati, Drishti Yadav, Gaurav Manik, Rajesh Singla and Om Prakash Verma, Generalized Mathematical modeling of MEE for calculation of steam efficiency and steam consumption, 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing: Theory and Applications, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Dec 21-23, 2018.

45.    Anubhav Goel, Gaurav Manik and Rajesh Mahadeva, A review of parabolic trough collector and its modeling, 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing: Theory and Applications, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Dec 21-23, 2018

46.    Varun Sharma, Suneel Dutt, Afzal Sikander, Gaurav Manik and Om Prakash Verma, Industrial simulation of PID & modified-MPID controllers for Interconnecting coupled system, 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing: Theory and Applications, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Dec 21-23, 2018.

47.    Sushanta K Sethi, Lokesh Soni and Gaurav Manik, “Computational approach towards the development of pressure – sensitive adhesives based on acrylated epoxidized linseed oil, under submission to COMPFLU, IIT Roorkee, December, 2018.

48.    Manjinder Singh#, Sushanta Kumar Sethi and Gaurav Manik, A molecular simulation approach for the development of pressure–sensitive adhesives based on acrylated epoxidized linseed oil, COMPFLU, IIT Roorkee, 6-9th December, 2018.

49.    Sushanta K Sethi, Lokesh Soni, Gaurav Manik, Blend compatibility studies using atomistic and mesoscale molecular dynamics simulations, 5th International Conference on Material Science, Metals and Manufacturing, Singapore, 12-13th March, 2018.

50.    Sushanta K Sethi, Lokesh Soni, Gaurav Manik, Exploring surface characteristics and substrate interfacial adhesion of PDMS-b-PVAc and PDMS-b-PVOH block copolymer, ACS on Campus, IIT Roorkee, 7th February, 2018.

51.    Rajesh Mahadeva, Om Prakash Verma and Gaurav Manik, 3rd International Conference on Recent advances in Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, 15-16 Feb 2018, Received Best Paper Award

52.    Vinay Khandelwal, Sushanta K Sahoo, Gaurav Manik, Development of electrically conductive novel hybrid epoxy composites containing polyaniline and carbon nanotubes, ACS on Campus, IIT Roorkee, 7th February, 2018.

53.    Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Morphology and crystallinity study of novel polypropylene hybrid composites, ACS on Campus, IIT Roorkee, 7th February, 2018.

54.    Sushanta K Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal and Gaurav Manik, Synthesis and characterization of low viscous and highly acrylated epoxidized methyl ester based green oligomers derived from linseed oil, ACS on Campus, IIT Roorkee, 7th February, 2018.

55.    Rupam Gogoi and Gaurav Manik, Morphology and crystallinity study of novel polypropylene hybrid composites, Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Sustainable Polymers (ASP 17), IIT Guwahati, January 8-12, 2018.

56.    Sushanta K Sethi and Gaurav Manik, Study of self-cleaning and blend compatibility of PDMS-PVAc system using molecular dynamics simulations, Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Sustainable Polymers (ASP 17), IIT Guwahati, January 8-12, 2018.

57.    Sushanta K Sethi, Nityanshu Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Effect of chain length and branching on properties predicted by Molecular Dynamics simulations, MACRO-2017, held at Tiruvanthapuram, January 8-12, 2017. 

58.    Sushanta K Sethi, Nityanshu Kumar and Gaurav Manik, Molecular Dynamics simulations of hydrolyzed PVAc-PFO based anti-stain self-clean coatings, in MACRO-2017, held at Tiruvanthapuram, January 8-12, 2017.

59.    Vinay Khandelwal, Sushanta Sahoo and Gaurav Manik, Development and characterization of renewable resource based bio-epoxy/PANI conducting composite-A greener material for future generation, Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM-2017), held at Bangalore, 11-13th February 2017.

60.    Sushanta Sahoo, Vinay Khandelwal and Gaurav Manik, Synthesis of bio-based epoxy network based on non-edible plant oils cured with bio-based curing agent: an eco-friendly material for coating application, Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM-2017), held at Bangalore, 11-13th February 2017.

61.    Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq. H. Mohammed, Shubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik, “Modeling the Dynamics of Heptads’ Effect Evaporator System in the Kraft Recovery Processes,” Shannon 100: 3rd International Conference on Computing Sciences (ICCS16), held at  LPU, Jalandhar, Punjab, 8-9 April 2016

62.    Om Prakash Verma, Toufiq. H. Mohammed, Shubham Mangal and Gaurav Manik,Mathematical Modeling of Multistage Evaporator System (MSE) in Kraft Recovery Process”, in Proceedings of the Fifth International conference on Soft Computing and Problem Solving (SoCProS-2015), held atSaharanpur Campus of IIT Roorkee, Dec-18-20, 2015.

63.    Om Prakash Verma, Sonu Verma and Gaurav Manik, “Analysis of Hybrid Temperature Control for Non-linear Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor”, Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing and Problem Solving (SoCProS-2014), Dec 2014 & Proceedings in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, SCOPUS, 336, pp103, 2015.

64.    Vivek Pandey, Meeta Trivedi and Gaurav Manik, Molecular simulation of “Green” pressure sensitive adhesives, Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Materials and Applications, IIT Roorkee Saharanpur Campus, page 32, April 5-6, 2014.

65.    Yash Singhvi, I.V. N. Tejasvini and Gaurav Manik, “Molecular simulations of anti-stain polymeric coatings”, SETCOR International Conference on Smart Materials and Surfaces (SMS-14), SETCOR, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-28th August 2014.

66.    Yash Singhvi and Gaurav Manik, “Molecular simulations of industrially relevant polyvinyl acetate based coatings”, International Conference on Polymers: Vision and Innovations, organized by Asian Polymer Association (APA)-2014, Delhi, February 20th, 2014.

67.    Vivek Pandey, Meeta Trivedi, Gaurav Manik, “Synthesis of industrially important pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs) using naturally sourced raw materials”, presented/published in Proceedings of CHEMCON-13, 66th Annual Session of Institute of Chemical Engineers, at UICT, Mumbai, 27th December 2013.

68.    Gaurav Manik, Upendra Natarajan and Hemant Nanavati, “Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of PET/PBT”, presented/ published in Proceedings at 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS-06) jointly organized by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and Indian Association for Computational Mechanics (IndACM) at IIT Guwahati, India during 8-10, December 2006.

69.    Gaurav Manik, Upendra Natarajan and Hemant Nanavati, “Conformational Analysis of Polybutylene Terepthalate and PolybutleneIsopthalate Chains in Melt and Isolated Conditions”, presented/Published in Proceedings at 58th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2005), at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), Delhi, December, 2005.

70.    Gaurav Manik, Upendra Natarajan and Hemant Nanavati, “Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Performance Polyesters and Polyisopthalates”, presented/ published in Proceedings at 58th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2005), at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), Delhi, December, 2005, Received Best Paper Award

71.    Gaurav Manik, Upendra Natarajan and Hemant Nanavati, “Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Polycarbonate Systems”, presented/Published in Proceedings at International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, MACRO-2004, Thiruvanthapuram, 2004.

72.    Gaurav Manik, Upendra Natarajan and Hemant Nanavati, “Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Analysis of Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) Melt”, at the International Conference - American Physical Society (APS) Annual Meeting, USA (2008). Abstract selected and published; did not participate.

73.    Gaurav Manik, Upendra Natarajan and Hemant Nanavati, “Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Polycarbonate Systems”, presented/Published in Proceedings at 58th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, CHEMCON-2004, Delhi, Dec-27-30, 2004.

74.    Gaurav Manik and Goutam Deo, “Chemical Characterization of Supported Rhenium Oxide Catalysts”, in 56th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2003), at Bhubaneshwar, 19-22nd December, 2003.

75.    Gaurav Manik, B. Mitra and Goutam Deo, “Chemical Characterization of Supported Rhenium Oxide Catalyst Using LPG Oxidation Reaction”, in National Conference on Catalysis held at Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, January, 2000.