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Arup Samanta
Associate Professor
Research Interests

Educational Details
Professional Background


Honours and Awards

Teaching Engagements
Teaching Engagements

Associate Scholars

Administrative Positions
Research Interests
Quantum and Nano-electronics:, Single Electron Transistors, Dopant Atom Transistors, Quantum Computing, Single Electron Metrology, Photonics:, THz Detectors, Single Photon Detectors, Magnetism: , Spintronic Devices, Silicon Photovoltaics:, SiNW- and Quantum Dots-based Solar Cells, Biophysics, Nanobiotechnology , First-principles simulation: , Investigation of electronic states and carrier transport in Nano-electronic Devices
Educational Details
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Ph.D., Silicon Nanotechnology
University of Calcutta
M.Sc., Physics
University of Calcutta
2003, Physics (Honours)
Professional Background
Associate Professor
13 Mar 2024 - Present
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Assistant Professor
01 Jan 2016 - 12 Mar 2024
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Postdoctoral Research Associate
01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2016
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan
Visiting Researcher
31 Aug 2020 - Present
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Silicon nanowire based radial p-n junction solar cells with high and stable efficiency at low-cost 01 Jan 2017 Silicon nanowire based radial p-n junction solar cells with high and stable efficiency at low-cost 24 Lacs DST
Synthesis of Silicon Nanowire Based Solar Cells by Wet Chemical Methods 01 Jan 2017 Synthesis of Silicon Nanowire Based Solar Cells by Wet Chemical Methods 10 Lacs IITR-SRIC
Combating Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriacae (CRE): Using combinatorial approach of conventional 01 Jan 2019 Combating Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriacae (CRE): Using combinatorial approach of conventional 101 Lacs SPARC, MHRD Prof. Saugata Hazra (PI), Prof. Pradip K Maji (co-PI)
DST-FIST Project 30 Mar 2021 Establishement of Device Fabrication Laboartory It is a departmental project. I am one of the PI of the Project. 648 Lakhs DST Departmental project (several Professors are involved)
Development of catheter-based point of care rapid multi-stage diagnostics towards surveillance of patients .. 12 May 2022 Nanobiotechnology 100 lakhs TIH, IIT Roorkee Prof. Saugata Hazra (PI), Prof. Mayank Goswami (Co-PI), Dr. Amrita Gaurav (Co-PI) and Prof. Manish K. Tiwari (Co-PI)

Dopant-atom-based nanoelectronics devices
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan
Silicon Solar Cells
National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi

1.    Recent Global Research and Education: Technological Challenges (Volume 519 of the series   Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016)

            Chapter: Toward Room Temperature Operation of Dopant Atom Transistors

                             Michiharu Tabe , Arup Samanta, Daniel Moraru, pp. 83-88.



3. Antibacterial, Superhydrophobic, and Highly Transmissive  Glass Coating

Arup SamantaSaugata Hazra,  Deepika Singh 

(No. 202411015039) dated 29/02/2024 


A. Samanta, P. Yadav, D. Das and K. SarkarIndian Patent (No: 202311042239) dated 23/06/2023. (Granted on 30/09/2024)

1. A lithography free inverted pyramid arrays with controlled aspect ratio on mono-crystalline/poly-crystalline silicon wafers and its method of synthesis

A. Samanta, M. Dutta, N. Joshi and R. K. VermaIndian Patent (No: 202111011643) 2021



Refereed Journal Papers:

36. Nanoscale effects in the room temperature UV-visible photoluminescence from silica particles and its cancer cell imaging,

Divya Rani, Deepika Singh, Anil Kumar, Monika Dhiman, Anjali Saini, Partho  Biswas, Rachana, Partha  Roy, Mrinal Dutta, and Arup Samanta* Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2025 (Accepted)


35. Ultra-sensitive Short-Wave Infrared Single-Photon Detection using a Silicon Single-Electron Transistor

P. Sudha, S. Miyagawa, A. Samanta,* and D. Moraru*Advanced Electronic Materials, 2025 (Accepted)

34. Transport Spectroscopy of Donor/Quantum Dot InteractiveSystem in Silicon Nano-Transistors

Soumya Chakraborty, Pooja Yadav, Daniel Moraru, and Arup Samanta* Advanced Quantum Technologies 2024,  2400011. 

33. Spin Filtering and Quantum Transport with Transition Metal-Doped Hydrogenated Silicon Quantum Dot   

Hemant Arora and Arup Samanta* Appl. Phys. Lett., 125, 122403 (2024)


32.Understanding the basis of thermo-stability for enzyme “nanoluc” towards designing industry-competent engineered variants

Adwaita S. R. Nair, Arup Samanta, Saugata Hazra* Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics (Accepted)

31. Room Temperature Quantum Control of N-Donor Electrons at Si/SiO2 Interface

S Chakraborty, A Samanta*, Advanced Quantum Technologies  2024, 2300349,  

30. Weakly Confined Silicon Nanodiscs as Material System for THz Absorption: Analytical Study

Pooja Sudha, Mayank Goswami, Arup Samanta* Physica Scripta, 2024 (Accepted) DOI 10.1088/1402-4896/ad275c 

29. Diameter and gap controlled fabrication of periodic SiMW/SiNW arrays: a broadband absorber for high efficiency silicon solar cell. 

Divya Rani, Anil Kumar, Anjali Saini, Deepika Singh, Neeraj Joshi, Ravi Kumar Varma, Mrinal Dutta, Arup SamantaOptical Materials (2023) 145, 114483.

28. Nitrogen in Silicon for Room Temperature Single Electron Tunneling Devices

Pooja Yadav,Hemant Arora and Arup Samanta*; Appl. Phys. Lett.;  122, 083502 (2023).  

27. First-principles study of room-temperature ferromagnetism in transition-metal doped H-SiNW

Hemant Arora and Arup Samanta*; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics25 (4), 2999-3010 (2023).

26. Inelastic Cotunneling in the Coulomb-Blockade Transport of Donor-Atom Transistors

Pooja Yadav, Soumya Chakraborty, Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta*;  J. Vacuum Science & Technology B 41, 012208 (2023); Editor's Pick for the Journal Homepage.

 25. Variable-Barrier Quantum Coulomb Blockade Effect in Nanoscale Transistors

Pooja Yadav, Soumya Chakraborty, Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta*;  Nanomaterials, 12, 4437 (2022).

24. Lithography free method to synthesize quasi-periodic silicon inverted-pyramid arrays: A broad band light trapper for high efficiency thin silicon solar cells

 Anil Kumar, Divya Rani, Anjali Saini, Neeraj Joshi, Ravi Kumar Varma, Mrinal Dutta, Arup Samanta*; Solar RRL (Accepted), 2024, DOI: 10.1002/solr.202400014

23. Determination of exchange integrals and effect of cationic site occupancy (8b/24d) on the structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Mn-doped Gd2O3

A Karmakar, H Arora, M Nath, S Sutradhar, BJ Sarkar, G Mandal, A Samanta*, A Bandyopadhyay*, J. Alloys & Compounds; 931, 2023, 167475. 

22. Fabrication of periodic, flexible and porous silicon microwire arrays with controlled diameter and spacing: Effects on optical properties; 

Anjali Saini, Mohammed Abdelhameed, Divya Rani, Wipakorn Jevasuwan, Naoki Fukata, Premshila Kumari, Sanjay K Srivastava, Prathap Pathi, Arup Samanta, Mrinal Dutta; Optical Materials; 134, 113181 (2022).

21. Coulomb-blockade transport in selectively-doped Si nano-transistors;

 Adnan Afiff, Arup Samanta, Arief Udhiarto, Harry Sudibyo, Masahiro Hori, Yukinori Ono, Michiharu Tabe, and Daniel Moraru; ; Appl. Phys. Express, 12, 085004 (2019). Link 

20. Single-electron quantization at room temperature in a-few-donor quantum dot in silicon nano-transistors,  Arup Samanta, Manoharan Muruganathan, Masahiro Hori, Yukinori Ono, Hiroshi Mizuta, Michiharu Tabe, and Daniel Moraru; Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 093107 (2017). Link 

19. Electric-field-assisted formation of an interfacial double-donor molecule in silicon nano-transistors

         Arup Samanta, Daniel Moraru, Takeshi Mizuno, and Michiharu Tabe; Scientific Reports 5, 17377 (2015). Link

18. Physics of strongly-coupled dopant-atoms in nanodevices

         Daniel Moraru, Krzysztof Tyszka, Yuki Takasu, Arup Samanta, Takeshi Mizuno, Ryszard Jablonski and Michiharu Tabe; Int. J. Technol. 6, 1057 (2015). Link

17. Effect of Individual Dopants in Nano-SOI-MOSFETs and Nano-pn-Diodes

          Michiharu Tabe, Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta, Krzysztof Tyszka, H. N. Tan, Yuki Takasu, Ryszard Jab?o?ski, Le The Anh,             Hiroshi Mizuta, and Takeshi Mizuno; ECS Transactions 69, 189-195 (2015). Link

16. Tunneling in Systems of Coupled Dopant-Atoms in Silicon Nanodevices

           Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta, Krzysztof Tyszka, Le The Anh, Muruganathan Manoharan, Takeshi Mizuno, Ryszard                        Jablonski, Hiroshi Mizuta, and Michiharu Tabe; Nanoscale Res. Lett. 10 (1), 372 (2015). Link

15. Effect of selective doping on the dispersion of donor-induced quantum dots in Si nanoscale transistors

          Krzysztof Tyszka, Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta, Takeshi Mizuno, Ryszard Jab?o?ski,  and Michiharu Tabe; Appl. Phys.                 Express 8 (9), 094202 (2015). Link

14. Comparative study of donor-induced quantum dots in Si nano-channels by single-electron transport characterization and Kelvin probe force microscopy

           Krzysztof Tyszka, Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta, Takeshi Mizuno, Ryszard Jab?o?ski,  and Michiharu Tabe; J. Appl. Phys.            117 (24), 244307 (2015). Link

13. Tunneling transport in quantum dots formed by coupled dopant atoms

           Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta, Takahiro Tsutaya, Yuki Takasu, Takeshi Mizuno, and Michiharu Tabe; Adv. Mater. Res. 1117,            78-81 (2015). Link

12. Quantum Size Effects on the Optical Properties of nc-Si QDs Embedded in a-SiOx Matrix Synthesized by Spontaneous Plasma Processing

           Debajyoti Das and Arup Samanta; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17 (7), 5063-5071 (2015). Link

11. Transport spectroscopy of coupled donors in silicon nano-transistors

           Daniel Moraru, Arup Samanta, Le The Anh, Takeshi Mizuno, Hiroshi Mizuta and Michiharu Tabe; Scientific Reports 4, 6219            (2014). Link

10. Dopant-Atom-Based Tunnel SOI-MOSFETs

          Michiharu Tabe, Moraru Daniel, Earfan Hamid, Arup Samanta, Le The Anh, Takeshi Mizuno and Hiroshi Mizuta; ECS                       Transactions 58 (9), 89-95 (2013). Link

9. SiOx nanowires with intrinsic nC-Si quantum dots: the enhancement of the optical absorption and photoluminescence

          Arup Samanta and Debajyoti Das; J. Mater. Chem. C 1 (40), 6623 (2013). Link

8. Structural investigation of nC-Si/SiOx:H thin films from He diluted (SiH4 + CO2) plasma at low temperature

           Arup Samanta and Debajyoti Das; Applied Surface Science 259, 477– 485 (2012). Link

7. Size Effect on Electron Transport in NC-Si/SiOx Core/Shell Quantum Dots

           Debajyoti Das and Arup Samanta; Materials Research Bulletin 47 (11), 3625–3629 (2012). Link

6. Changes in optical and electrical phenomena correlated to structural configuration in nanocrystalline silicon network

          Arup Samanta and Debajyoti Das; J. Electrochem. Society. 158 (11), H1138 (2011). Link

5. Low Temperature Direct Plasma Synthesis of nC-Si/SiOx Core/Shell Quantum Dots

          Arup Samanta and Debajyoti Das; Physics Teacher 53 (3-4),  25–31 (2011).

4. Effect of RF-Power on the formation and Size evolution of nC-Si Quantum Dots in an amorphous SiOx matrix

          Arup Samanta and Debajyoti Das; J. Mater. Chem., 21 (20), 7452 (2011). Link

3. Photoluminescent silicon quantum dots in core/shell configuration: synthesis by low-temperature and                                  spontaneous plasma processing

         Debajyoti Das and Arup Samanta; Nanotechnology, 22 (5), 055601 (2011). Link

2. Optical, electrical and structural properties of SiO:H films prepared from He dilution to the SiH4 plasma

          Arup Samanta and Debajyoti Das; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42 (21), 215404 (2009). Link

1. Studies on the structural properties of SiO:H films prepared from (SiH4 + CO2 +He)-plasma in RF-PECVD

         Arup Samanta and Debajyoti Das; Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells   93 (5), 588 (2009). Link



Papers Presented at Symposia/Conference/Workshop:

72.  Inelastic Cotunneling in the Coulomb-Blockade Transport in Donor-Atom Transistors

 Pooja Yadav; Soumya Chakraborty; Daniel Moraru; Arup Samanta*; 2022 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW); DOI:10.1109/SNW56633.2022.9889041 

71.  Cotunneling assisted internal relaxation transport in the dopant atom transistor

Yadav, Pooja ; Moraru, Daniel ; Tabe, Michiharu ; Samanta, Arup*; APS March Meeting 2022, F50. 013;


70.  Hydrogen Generation by Photocatalytic Water Splitting using Silicon Nanowires

 S. Khamrai, D. Singh, A. Samanta*; AIP publishing Horizon, energy Storage and Conversion, Virtual Conference, August 4-6, 2021


69.  Simulation of Inverted Pyramid Microstructure Arrays to Attain Ultra-low Reflection Spectra for the Application of High Efficient Silicon Solar Cell


Anil Kumar, Divya Rani, Mrinal Dutta, and A. Samanta*; Recent Advances and Innovations in Solar Energy (RaiSe), 2021, 2-4 Dec 2021, IITM, Chennai, India  

68. Dopant atom transistors: present and future aspects

  A. Samanta, D. Moraru and M. Tabe; International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2017), IIT GGuwahati, Assam, India; December 18-21, 2017

67. Analysis of Low-Temperature Single-Electron Tunneling Transport via Selectively-Doped a-Few-Donor QDs

   A. Afiff, T. Hasan, T. Yamashita, A. Udhiarto, H. Sudibyo, D. Hartanto, A. Samanta, M. Tabe, and D. Moraru; Proc. 19th Takayanagi Kenjiro Mem. Symp. (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan,  Nov., 2017).

66. Toward Practical Realization of Dopant Atom Transistors;

      A. Samanta, INUP Workshop, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee; 27-28 April, 2017.

65. Dopant Atom Electronics

A. Samanta; Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication and Control (ICETC32017), Department of Electronics & Communication, NSHM Knowledge Campus, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, March 15-16, 2017.

64. Silicon Single-Electron Tunneling Transistors with Dopant-Quantum-Dots: Perspectives for Room-Temperature Operation

D. Moraru, A. Afiff, T. Hasan, A. Samanta, and M. Tabe; Proc. 4th Inter. Conf. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. (ICONN-2017) (SRM Univ., Kattankulathur, Chennai, India, Aug 09-11, 2017)

63. A Statistical Study on the Formation of A-Few-Dopant Quantum Dots in Highly-Doped Si Nanowire Transistors

Adnan Afiff, Tarik Hasan, Arup Samanta, Harry Sudibyo, Djoko Hartanto, Michiharu Tabe, Daniel Moraru;  15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2017,

62. Probing the Impact of Donor Quantum Dots with High-Bias Stability Diagrams in Selecteively-Doped Si Nanoscale Transistors

A. Afiff, A. Samanta, T. Hasan, A. Udhiarto, D. Hartanto, H. Sudibyo, M. Tabe, and D. Moraru; Proc. of IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Kyoto, Japan, June 04-05, 2017)

61. Study of Stability of A-few-donor Quantum Dots with Different Configurations for Room-Temperature Single-Electron Tunneling Operation

T. Hasan, A. Samanta, A. Afiff, L. T. Anh, M. Manoharan, M. Hori, Y. Ono, H. Mizuta, M. Tabe, and D. Moraru; The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017

60. Effect of coupling of a few donor-atoms as a quantum dot for single-electron tunneling operation at room temperature

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, T. Hasan, M. Manoharan, H. Mizuta2, and M. Tabe; Proc. 77th JSAP Autumn meeting 2016 (Niigata City, Niigata, Japan, Sept.13-16, 2016) pp. 12-354

59. Single-Electron Tunneling Operation via A-Few-Donor Quantum Dots in SOI-FETs up to Room Temperature

A. Samanta, Y. Takasu, T. Mizuno, D. Moraru and M. Tabe; Proc. IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Hawaii, USA, June 12-13, 2016)

58. Quantum-Tunneling in Dopant-Atom Devices Formed in Ultrathin Si Layers

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, M. Manoharan, T. Mizuno, K.Tyszka, R. Jablonski, H. Mizuta and M. Tabe; Proc. EMN Quantum Meeting on Energy Materials Nanotechnology (Phuket, Thailand, April 8-11, 2016) 

57. Effect of coupling of a few donor-atoms as a quantum dot for single-electron tunneling operation at room temperature

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, T. Hasan, M. Manoharan, H. Mizuta2, and M. Tabe; Proc. 77th JSAP Autumn meeting 2016 (Niigata City, Niigata, Japan, Sept.13-16, 2015) pp. 12-354

56. Single-Electron Tunneling Operation via A-Few-Donor Quantum Dots in SOI-FETs up to Room Temperature

A. Samanta, Y. Takasu, T. Mizuno, D. Moraru and M. Tabe; Proc. IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Hawaii, USA, June 12-13, 2016)

55. Quantum-Tunneling in Dopant-Atom Devices Formed in Ultrathin Si Layers

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, M. Manoharan, T. Mizuno, K.Tyszka, R. Jablonski, H. Mizuta and M. Tabe; Proc. EMN Quantum Meeting on Energy Materials Nanotechnology (Phuket, Thailand, April 8-11, 2016)

54. Tunneling-transport operation of selectively-doped dopant-atom transistors up to room temperature

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, Y. Takasu, T. Mizuno and M. Tabe; Proc. 63rd JSAP spring meeting 2015 (Tokyo Inst. Tech., Ookayama, Japan, March 19-22, 2016) 19p-P4-14

53. Dynamical modification of the equivalent circuit with the bias voltage in a multiple-dopant system

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, Y. Takasu, T. Mizuno, M.  Tabe; Proc. 17th Takayanagi Kenjiro Mem. Symp. (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan,  Nov. 17-18, 2015) pp. 85-89.

52. Atomic and Molecular Effects based on Dopants in Silicon Nanodevices,

D.Moraru, A. Samanta, K. Tyszka, M. Muruganathan, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe, Proc. Inter. Conf. Small Sci. (Phuket, Thailand, Nov 4-7, 2015) pp. 64-65

51. Effect of Individual Dopants in Nano-SOI-Mosfets and Nano-Pn-Diodes (Invited)

M. Tabe, D. Moraru, A. Samanta, K. Tyszka, H. N. Tan, Y. Takasu, R. Jablonski, L. T. Anh, H. Mizuta and T. Mizuno, Proc. 228th ECS Meeting  (Phoenis, USA, Oct 11-15, 2015) pp. 1093. Link

50. Impact of Dopant atoms on electron tunneling into nanoscale-transistor channels;

D.  Moraru, A. Samanta, Y. Takasu, K. Tyszka, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski, and M. Tabe, Proc. 14th Inter. Conf. Global Res. Education (inter-Academia-2015) (Hamamatsu, Japan, Sept. 28-30, 2014) pp. 226-227.

​49. High-temperature single-electron tunneling transport through dopant-cluster in narrow channel SOI-FETs

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, Y. Takasu, T. Mizuno, M.  Tabe; Proc. 76th JSAP Autumn meeting 2015 (Nagoya, Japan, Sept.15-16, 2015) pp. 12-356. Link

48. Correlation between single-electron tunneling characteristics and potential landscapes in dopant-atom transistors

K. Tyszka, D. Moraru, A. Samanta, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski and M. Tabe; Proc. 76th JSAP Autumn meeting 2015 (Nagoya, Japan,  Sept.15-16, 2015) pp. 12-354. Link

47. Physics of strongly-coupled dopant-atoms in nanodevices (Invited)

D. Moraru, K. Tyszka, Y. Takasu, A. Samanta, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski and M. Tabe; Proc. 14th Inter. Conf. Quality Res. (QiR)Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia, Aug 10-13, 2015) pp. C12.1

46. Recent progress in single-dopant atom devices (Invited)

M. Tabe, D. Moraru, A. Samanta, and T. Mizuno; Proc. 14th Inter. Conf. Quality Res. (QiR)Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia, Aug 10-13, 2015) pp. C1.2

45. Dopant-cluster-assisted tunnelling in Si nanodevices (Invited)

M. Tabe, D. Moraru, A. Samanta, H.N. Tan, L.T. Anh, M. Manoharan, H. Mizuta, and T. Mizuno; Proc. Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop 2015 (Takamatsu, Japan, Aug 3-4, 2015) pp. 43.

44. Tunneling transport through single- and clustered-dopants (Invited)

M. Tabe, D. Moraru, A. Samanta, H.N. Tan, L.T. Anh, M. Manoharan, H. Mizuta, and T. Mizuno; Proc. III Bilateral Italy-Japan Seminar (Silicon Nanoelect. Adv. Appl.) (Kyoto, Japan. June 16th, 2015)

43. Impact of diffused donor-clusters near Lead/Channel Boundary on High-Temperature Single-Electron Tunneling in Narrow SOI-FETs

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, Y. Takasu, K. Tyszka, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski and M. Tabe; Proc. of IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Kyoto, Japan, June 13-14, 2015) pp. 31-32. Link

42. Tunneling via Single and Coupled Dopant Atoms in Si Nanodevices (Invited)

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, K. Tyszka, L. T. Anh, M. Manoharan, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. EMN Quantum Meeting on Quantum technology (Bejing, China, April 14-17, 2015) pp. 62

41. Interactions of individual dopants and macroscopic quantum dots in weakly-doped nanoscale SOI-FETs

D. Moraru, Y. Takasu, A. Samanta, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 62rd JSAP spring meeting 2015 (Tokai Univ., Japan, March 11-14 2015) pp. 12-151. Link

40. Electric-field-assisted formation of an interfacial double-donor molecule in Si nano-transistors 

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 62rd JSAP spring meeting 2015 (Tokai Univ., Japan,  March 11-14 2015) pp. 12-154. Link

39. Interaction between Dopant Atoms and Interface in Nanoscale Transistors (invited)

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 3rd Inter. Conf. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. (ICONN-2015) (SRM Univ., Kattankulathur, Chennai, India, Feb. 04-06, 2015) pp. 38-39.

36. Tunneling Transport via Dopant-induced Quantum Dots in Silicon Nano-devices (Invited)

D. Moraru, K. Tyszka, A. Samanta, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski, and M. Tabe; Proc. 3rd Inter. Conf. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. (ICONN-2015)(SRM Univ., Kattankulathur, Chennai, India, Feb. 04-06, 2015) pp. 28-29

35. Interface-Assisted Merging of Two Donor Potential Wells in Ultrathin Si-Transistors

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. Inter. Symp. Toward Fut. Adv. Res. Shizuoka Univ. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu, Japan, Jan. 27-28, 2015) pp. 46

34. Atomic and Molecular Behavior in Tunneling Transport via Dopants in Nano-Transistors

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, Y. Takasu, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. Inter. Symp. Toward Fut. Adv. Res. Shizuoka Univ. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu, Japan, Jan. 27-28, 2015) pp. 47.

33. Silicon Nanoscale Transisitors with Dopant-Induced Quantum Dots

D. Moraru, K. Tyszka, A. Samanta, Y. Takasu, T. Tsutaya, T. Mizuno, R.Jablonski, and M. Tabe; Proc. 2nd Inter. Conf. Nanoelect. Res. Edu. (Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu, Japan, 24-26 Nov., 2014) pp. 55-56.

32. Single Electron Transport in Double-Donor System at Si/SiO2 Interface in Ultrathin SOI-FETs

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 16th Takayanagi Kenjiro Mem. Symp. (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, Nov. 11-12, 2014) pp. PS1-8-(1-5).

31. Low-temperature spectroscopy of donor states in silicon nano-channels

D. Moraru, T. Tsutaya, Y. Takasu, A. Samanta, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 16th Takayanagi Kenjiro Mem. Symp. (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan,  Nov. 11-12, 2014) pp. S78-(1-5).

30. Impact of doping concentration regimes on low-temperature tunneling in nanoscale SOI-FETs

D. Moraru, T. Tsutaya, Y. Takasu, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, M. Manoharan, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. 75th JSAP Autumn meeting 2014 (Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 2014) pp. 13-191. Link

29. Effect of Dopants in Tunnel Barriers of Selectively Doped SOI-FETs

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Tsutaya, L. T. Anh, M. Manoharan, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. 75th JSAP Autumn meeting 2014 (Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 2014) pp. 13-192. Link

28. Control of electron transport regimes via single- and multiple-donors in nano-channel SOI-FETs

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, T. Tsutaya, Y. Takasu, L. T. Anh, K. Tyszka, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Hawaii, USA, June 9-10, 2014) pp. 53-54. Link

27. Electron Transport in Double-Donor Systems at Si/SiO2 Interface in SOI-FETs

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno and M. Tabe; Proc. IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Hawaii, USA, June 9-10, 2014) pp. 73-74. Link

26. Tunneling transport in quantum dots formed by coupled dopant atoms

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, T. Tsutaya, Y. Takasu, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 13th Inter. Conf. Global Res. Education (inter-Academia) (Riga, Latvia, Sept. 10-12, 2014) pp. 45-46

25. Effect of electric field on single-electron tunneling transport in dopant-atom transistors

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 61st JSAP Spring Meeting 2014 (Kanagawa, Japan, March 17-20, 2014) pp. 13-267. Link

24. Tunneling transport spectroscopy of interacting donors in silicon nano-transistors

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, Y. Takasu, T. Tsutaya, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta and M. Tabe Proc. 61st JSAP Spring Meeting 2014 (Kanagawa, Japan,  March 17-20, 2014) pp. 13-263. Link

23. Dopant atom devices based on Si nanostructures (Invited)

M. Tabe, D. Moraru, E. Hamid, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, and H. Mizuta; Proc. 7th Inter. Work. New Group IV Semi. Nanoelect. JSPS Core-to-Core Prog. Joint Semicon., Atom. Contr. Proc. Ultralarge Scale Integration (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Jan. 27-28, 2014) 

22. Transport spectroscopy of selectively-doped dopant-based SOI Transistors

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno1, L. T. Anh, H. Mizuta and M. Tabe; Proc. Interdiscip. Domain Res. in Japan-Europe Part. (Shizuoka, Japan, Nov. 18-19, 2013) pp. 54.

21. Transport spectroscopy of selectively-doped interacting donors in silicon nano-transistors

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta and M. Tabe; Proc. 15th Takayanagi Kenjiro Mem. Symp. (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, Nov. 13-14, 2013) pp. PS1-7-(1-5).

20. Electric field effect on single-dopant-atom in Si FETs

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 15th Takayanagi Kenjiro Mem. Symp. (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, Nov. 13-14, 2013) pp. S4-11-(1-5).

19. Dopant-Atom-Based Tunnel SOI-MOSFETs (Invited)

M. Tabe, D. Moraru, E. Hamid, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta; Proc. 224th ECS Meeting (San Francisco, USA, Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2013) pp. 2243. Link

18. Dopant-atom-based SOI-transistors by selective nanoscale doping

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, Y. Kuzuya, K. Tyszka, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, R. Jablonski, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. Inter. Conf. Sol. State Dev. and Mater. (SSDM) (Fukuoka, Japan, Sept. 24-27, 2013) pp. 788-789. Link

17. Fabrication of controlled dopant-induced quantum dots by thermal diffusion through nano-masks

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 12th Inter. Conf. Global Res. Educat. (Sofia University, Bulgaria, Sept. 23-27 2013) pp. 14.

16. Ab-initio study of interactive-donor states of multiple P-atoms in Si nanoplates

L. T. Anh, A. Samanta, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, M. Muruganathan, M. Tabe, and H. Mizuta; Proc. 74th JSAP Autumn meeting 2013 (Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, Sept.17-20, 2013) pp. 13-187. Link

15. Transport via dopant-quantum-dots fabricated by thermal diffusion through nano-masks

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. of 74th JSAP Autumn meeting 2013 (Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan,  Sept.17-20, 2013) pp. 13-188. Link

14. Transport Spectroscopy of Dopant States in Randomly-Doped Single-Electron Transistors

A. Samanta, D. Moraru, E. Hamid, Y. Kuzuya, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. 74th JSAP Autumn meeting 2013 (Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan,  Sept.17-20, 2013) pp. 13-186. Link

13. Electrical characteristics of donor-induced quantum dots formed in nanoscale selectively-doped SOI-FETs

D. Moraru, A. Samanta, Y. Kuzuya, T. Nagasaka, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. of IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto, Japan, June 9-10, 2013) pp. 101-102.

12. Electron-tunneling operation of single-dopant-atom transistors at elevated temperature – Toward room temperature operation

D. Moraru, E. Hamid, A. Samanta, L. T. Anh, T. Mizuno, H. Mizuta, and M. Tabe; Proc. IEICE Elect. Dev./ Silicon Dev. and Mater. (EDSDM) Meeting, (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan,  May 2013)

11. Persistence of single-donor effect up to room temperature in SOI-MOSFETs

A. Samanta, E. Hamid, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, and M. Tabe; Proc. 60th JSAP Spring Meeting 2013 (Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan,  March 27-30, 2013) pp. 13-188. Link

10. Low Temperature Spontaneous Plasma Synthesis of nC-Si/SiOx Core/Shell Quantum Dot Thin Films

            D. Das and A. Samanta; Proc. Inter. Conf. Nanosci. Technol. (ICONSAT 2012) (Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, India, Jan. 20-23, 2012) pp. 137.

9. Quantum confinement effects on opto-electronic properties of nC-Si quantum dots

            D. Das and A. Samanta; Proc. Inter. Conf. Fund. & Appl. of Nanosci. & Technol. (Jadavpur University, Dec. 9-11, 2010) pp. 185.

8. Size Effect on Opto-electronic Properties of nC-Si Quantum Dots

D. Das and A. Samanta; Proc. of IUMRS-ICEM 2010 (Seoul KINTEX, Korea, Aug. 22-27, 2010)

7. Highly conducting nC-SiO:H films prepared from (SiH4 + CO2 + He)-plasma by RF-PECVD

            A. Samanta and D. Das; Proc. 18th Intl. Photovol. Sci. & Eng. Conf. (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, Jan. 19-23, 2009).               pp. 229-230.

6. Low Temperature Spontaneous Plasma Synthesis of nC-Si Quantum Dot in SiOx Matrix and Nanowire.

A. Samanta and D. Das; Proc. MRSI Young Scientist Colloquium (CGCRI, Kolkata 2012)

5. Spontaneous Plasma Synthesis of nC-Si/SiOx Core/Shell Quantum Dot Thin Films at Low Temperature

A. Samanta and D. Das; Proc. 56th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (SRM University, Kattankulathur, India, Dec. 19-23, 2011) pp. 119-122.  

4. Low Temperature Direct Synthesis of nC-Si/SiOx Core/Shell Quantum dots

         A. Samanta and D. Das; Proc. 29th Young Physicist Colloquium, IPS (SINP, Kolkata, India, Aug. 18-19, 2011)

3. Synthesis of silicon quantum dots by plasma CVD

A. Samanta and D. Das; Proc. 54th DAE Sol. State Phys. Symp. (M. S. University, Vodadara, Dec. 14-18, 2009) pp. 341-342.

2. Properties of SiO:H films prepared from He-dilution to the SiH4 plasma

A. Samanta and D. Das; Proc. Nation. Rev. Co-ordinat. Meet. (Govt. of India, SNBNCBS, Kolkata, March 12-14, 2009)

1. Transparent and conducting nanocrystalline SiO:H thin films for solar cells

A. Samanta and D. Das; Proc. Found. Day In-house Symp. (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, July 29, 2009)

Honors And Awards
17th Takayanagi Kenjiro Mem. Symp. (Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan)
Best Presentation award
29th Young Physicist Colloquium, Indian Physical Society, SINP, Kolkata)
Young Physicist Award
54th DAE solid state physics symposium, Bododara
Best poster award
National Eligibility Test (NET), CSIR- Junior Research Fellowship
National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureship
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
31 Aug 2020 - Present
28 Dec 2017 - 29 Sep 2023
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Pooja Yadav
Development of Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors for Room Temperature Spintronic Applications, India
15 Jul 2019 - 31 Dec 2024
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Hemant Arora
Associate Scholars
Ms. Pooja Yadav (Ph.D., Completed, 2023)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Ms. Divya Rani (Ph.D, 5th Year)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Radial Junction Silicon Solar Cells
Mr. Anil Kumar (Ph.D. 5th Year)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Inverted Pyramid Silicon Solar Cells
Ms. Pooja Sudha (Ph.D 5th Year)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Single Photon Detector
Mr. Soumya Chakraborty (Ph.D. 5th Year)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Quantum Metrology
Mr. Hemant Arora (Ph.D. completed 2024)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Spintronic Devices
Ms. Monika Dhiman (Ph.D. 4th Year)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Quantum Hall Effect
Ms. Deepika Singh ((Ph.D, 3rd year) )
Physics and Biotechnology
protein design and nanobiotechnology
Mr. MD KHALID ANSARI (Ph.D. 3rd Yrs)
Physics and Biotechnology
THz Biosensors
Pravesh Negi (Ph.D., 2nd Yrs)
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Photo-hydrogen generation from silicon Nanostructures
Ms. Sumana Khamrai ((M.Tech student, 1st year) )
Photo-hydrogen Generation
Ms. Preeti Singh ((M.Tech student, 1st year) )
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Axial Junction Silicon Solar Cell
Ms. Deepika Singh ((M.Tech student, 2nd year) ) Alumni
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Photo-hydrogen Generation
Ms. Soni Mishra (M.Tech student, 2nd year) Alumni
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Radiation Effect in Electronic Devices
Ms. Shailja Gautam (M.Tech student, 2nd year) Alumni
Physics, IIT Roorkee
Quantum Coulomb Blockade Effect (Theory)
Mr.Neeraj Joshi (M.Tech student, 2nd year) Alumni
Radial Junction Silicon Solar Cells
Mr. Ravi Kumar Verma (M.Tech student, 2nd year) Alumni
Silicon Nanowire based Solar Cells
Mr. Manoj Kumar (M.Sc., 2nd Year) Alumni
Silicon Nanowire based Solar Cells
Mr. Ritesh Uraon (Int. M.Sc student) Alumni
Single Electron Transistor
Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies
31 Aug 2020 - Present
INUP, IISc Bangalore
Dopant atom transistors: present and future aspects
01 Jan 2017 - Present
Dopant Atom Electronics
01 Jan 2016 - Present
Dopant atom as an active element in transistors: present status and future prospect
01 Jan 2017 - Present
Single-Electron Tunneling Operation via Single- and Few-Dopant Quantum Dots in SOI-FETs
01 Jan 2016 - Present
Interaction between Dopant Atoms and Interface in Nanoscale Transistors
01 Jan 2015 - Present
Atomic and Molecular Electronics in Si nano-transistors: Single Electron Effects to Qubit Operations
01 Jan 2015 - Present
Administrative Positions
01 Jan 2017 - Present
CMP and M.Tech Laboratory