Research Interests
Machine design, CAD, FEA,IGA, Product Informatics, Knowledge representation and Reasoning, AI in Design, Digital twin, Blast and Impact load, Shock wave mitigation, Sandwich foam composite structure, Interaction Design, UI/UX, Design Methodology, Product Design,CAPD
Computational analysis and optimization of foam-filled honeycomb core sandwich structure under air blast loading
Satya Sundar Sahoo, Abinash Kumar Swain ,Vishwas A Sawant | SAGE
Journal: Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials
Development of C1 smooth isogeometric functions for planar multi-patch domains for NURBS based analysis
Lokanath Barik, Abinash Kumar Swain | Elsevier
Journal: Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Pages: 104300 , Volumes: 244 ,
A C1 continuous multi-patch framework for adaptive isogeometric topology optimization of plate structures
Philip Luke Karuthedath, Lokanath Barik, Abhinav Gupta, Abinash Kumar Swain, Rajib Chowdhury, Bhagath Mamindlapelly | North-Holland
Journal: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Pages: 117132 , Volumes: 421 ,
An ontology-based modelling and reasoning framework for assembly process selection
Shantanu Kumar Das, Abinash Kumar Swain | Springer
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Pages 1-25
An ontology-based framework for decision support in assembly variant design
Shantanu Kumar Das and Abinash Kumar Swain | ASME
Journal: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE), ASME Transactions Pages: 021007 , Volumes: 21(2) ,
A novel approach to recognize interacting features for manufacturability evaluation of prismatic parts with orthogonal features
Manish Kumar Gupta, Abinash Kumar Swain, and Pramod Kumar Jain | Springer
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Pages: 343-373 , Volumes: 105(1-4) ,
Classification, representation and automatic extraction of adhesively bonded assembly features
Shantanu Kumar Das and Abinash Kumar Swain | Emerald Insight
Journal: Assembly Automation Pages: 607-623 , Volumes: 39(4) ,
Extended liaison as an interface between product and process model in assembly
Abinash Kumar Swain, Dibakar Sen, and B. Gurumoorthy | Elsevier
Journal: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Pages: 527-545 , Volumes: 30(5) ,
A numerical model for conceptualization of airbag
Thanigaivel Raja T. and Abinash Kumar Swain | SAE
Journal: SAE Technical Paper Volumes: 2016-28-0037 ,
Study on Kerf Width in Wire-EDM Based on Taguchi Method
Abinash Kumar Swain, Siddhartha Ray, and Nirmal Kumar Mandal | Trans Tech Publications
Journal: Applied Mechanics and Materials Pages: 1808-1816 , Volumes: 110 ,
Use of liaison to better integrate product and process
Abinash Kumar Swain, Dibakar Sen, and B. Gurumoorthy | IISc
Journal: Technical Report Pages: 1-11 , Volumes: CADL/2011-1 ,
Investigation of the vehicle restraint system in a frontal impact
Thanigaivel Raja T. and Abinash Kumar Swain | Taylor and Francis
Journal: International journal of crashworthiness Pages: 662-675 , Volumes: 22(6) ,
Honors And Awards
Teaching Engagements
Manufacturability Evaluations of Prismatic parts
30 Apr 2014 - 13 Jul 2020
Other Supervisors: Pramod Kumar Jain, Scholar: Manish Kumar Gupta
Ontology-based Approach for Assembly Variant Design using Liaisons
10 Jul 2014 - 24 Jul 2020
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Shantanu Kumar Das
Developing Knowledge based system in CAD
27 Dec 2019 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Anuj Kumar
Study of KE projectile using IGA: Modelling and Numerical Simulation
26 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: Prof.V.A.Sawant, Scholar: Abinas Nayak
Isogeometric analysis using triangulation technique for structural mechanics
24 Jul 2021 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Lokanath Barik
Design of Sandwich foam composite structure against blast loading
27 Jul 2021 - Present
Other Supervisors: Prof. V.A.Sawant, Scholar: Satya Sundar Sahoo
Blast resistant structure design
30 Jul 2021 - Present
Other Supervisors: Prof. V. A. Sawant, Scholar: Madhav Kumar Gupta
Modelling and Simulation of Blast Resistant Door
06 Aug 2021 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Shankabattula Venu
IGA analysis for Rail track
17 Jul 2022 - Present
Other Supervisors: Prof. S.P Harsha, Scholar: SHASANKA SEKHAR DALAI
Product development using CAD
17 Jul 2022 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: HARSH GUPTA
Isogeometric analysis using bezier triangulations and T-splines.
01 Jan 2023 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: VIKAS SINDHU
Product Design for farmers
15 Jul 2023 - Present
Other Supervisors: Prof.Bibhuti Ranjan Bhattacharjya, Scholar: Arjun Kapoor
Isogeometric analysis of composite materials
11 Jul 2024 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Asif Ali
Shock Mitigation and Projectile Impact
11 Jul 2024 - Present
Other Supervisors: Prof. PRADIP K. MAJI, Scholar: DARSHAN KUMAR DEORA
Shock Mitigation Technique for electronics, India
09 Sep 2024 - Present
Other Supervisors: Dr. Pradip K. Maji, Scholar: Saurabh Kumar
Study of Shock Mitigation using Numerical and Analytical Method, India
17 Sep 2024 - Present
Other Supervisors: Dr. Pradip K. Maji, Scholar: Navin kumar
MHRD/Project positions/JRF positions available in various research projects
- Modeling and numerical simulation of metallic foam core sandwich composite panels subjected to blast loading
- Isogeometric analysis in structural mechanics and composites
- Fracture and control fragmentation in blast loading
- Knowledge representation to support aesthetic product design
- Knowledge representation for product family design to support assembly variant design using Artificial Intelligence(AI)
- Interaction design, UI/UX, Product design
- Digital Twin