1.Kamal and Sushil Kumar, 2002. Editors, Special Volume of the Journal of Himalayan Geology on Chamoli Earthquake, Vol 23 (1 & 2), 2002.
1.Kamal and Sushil Kumar, 2002. Editors, Special Volume of the Journal of Himalayan Geology on Chamoli Earthquake, Vol 23 (1 & 2), 2002.
1.Sanjay S.Negi, AjayPaul, SimoneCesca, Kamal, Marius Kriegerowski, P.Mahesh SandeepGupta, Crustal velocity structure and earthquake processes of Garhwal-Kumaun Himalaya: Constraints from Regional Waveform Inversion and Array Beam Modeling. Tectonophysics, Vol 712-713, pp 45-63, 2017.
2.Sandeep, A. Joshi, Sohan Lal, Parveen Kumar, S. K. Sah,Kamal: Simulation of Strong Ground Motion of the 2009 Bhutan Earthquake Using Modified Semi-Empirical Technique. Pure and Applied Geophysics 09/2017;, DOI:10.1007/s00024-017-1663-2
3.Sandeep, A. Joshi, S.K. Sah, Parveen Kumar, Sohan Lal, Kamal, R.S. Singh: Source model estimation of the 2005 Kyushu Earthquake, Japan using Modified Semi Empirical Technique. Journal of Asian earth Sciences, DOI:10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.07.041
4.Sandeep, A. Joshi, P. Kumar, S. Lal, Parveen Kumar, Kamal: Emergence of the semi-empirical technique of strong ground motion simulation: A review. Journal of the Geological Society of India 06/2017; 89(6):719-722., DOI:10.1007/s12594-017-0684-x
5.Himanshu Mittal, Ashok Kumar, Yih-Min Wu, Kamal, Arjun Kumar: Source study of Mw 5.4 April 4, 2011 India–Nepal border earthquake and scenario events in the Kumaon–Garhwal Region. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 04/2016; 9(5)., DOI:10.1007/s12517-016-2330-0
6.Sanjay Singh Negi, Ajay Paul, Anand Joshi, Kamal: Body Wave Crustal Attenuation Characteristics in the Garhwal Himalaya, India. Pure and Applied Geophysics 11/2014;, DOI:10.1007/s00024-014-0966-9
7.Sandeep, A. Joshi, Kamal, Parveen Kumar, Ashvini Kumar: Effect of frequency-dependent radiation pattern in the strong motion simulation of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan, using modified semi-empirical method. Natural Hazards 09/2014; 73(3)., DOI:10.1007/s11069-014-1153-0
8.Sandeep, A Joshi, Kamal, Parveen, Kumar,: Modeling of strong motion generation area of the Uttarkashi earthquake using modified semiempirical approach. Natural Hazards 05/2014; 73(3)., DOI:10.1007/s11069-014-1179-3
9.A. Joshi, Sandeep, Kamal: Modeling of strong motion generation areas of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake using modified semi-empirical technique. Natural Hazards 03/2014; 71(1)., DOI:10.1007/s11069-013-0922-5
10.H. Mittal, Kamal, A. Kumar, S.K. Singh: Estimation of site effects in Delhi using standard spectral ratio. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 04/2013; 50:53-61., DOI:10.1016/j.soildyn.2013.03.004
11.Himanshu Mittal, Ashok Kumar, Kamal: Ground motion estimation in Delhi from postulated regional and local earthquakes. Journal of Seismology 10/2012; 17(2)., DOI:10.1007/s10950-012-9340-5
12.Ashish Harbindu, Dr. Kamal, Prof. M.L.Sharma: Site Amplification and Frequency-Dependent Attenuation Coefficient at Rock Sites of the Himachal Region in Northwest Himalaya, India. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 08/2012;, DOI:10.1785/0120110218
13.A. Harbindu, M.L. Sharma, Kamal: Erratum to: Stochastic ground-motion simulation of two Himalayan earthquakes: Seismic hazard assessment perspective (J Seismol, (2011), 10.1007/s10950-011-9247-6). DOI:10.1007/s10950-011-9259-2
14.Pathikrit Bhattacharya, Bikas K Chakrabarti, Kamal: A fractal model of earthquake occurrence: Theory, simulations and comparisons with the aftershock data. Journal of Physics Conference Series 09/2011; 319(1):012004., DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/319/1/012004
15.Ashish Harbindu, Prof. M.L.Sharma, Dr. Kamal: Stochastic Ground Motion Simulation of two Himalayan Earthquake: A seismic Hazard perspective. Journal of Seismology 09/2011;
16.Arjun Datta, Kamal: Triggering of Aftershocks of the Japan 2011 Earthquake by Earth Tides. Current science 06/2011; 102(5).
17.Ashish Harbindu, Mukat Lal Sharma, Kamal: Stochastic ground-motion simulation of two Himalayan earthquakes: Seismic hazard assessment perspective. Journal of Seismology 04/2011; 16(2):345-369., DOI:10.1007/s10950-011-9247-6
18.Ajay Paul, K. Kamal, A. Ganju, V. Rana, D.K. Tyagi, Vikas Juyal, M. Gosain, N. Thakur: Source Mechanism studies around Karakorum fault in Siachen region, NW Himalaya. Himalayan Geology 01/2011; 32(2):149-157.
19.A.K. Mundepi, J.J. Galiana-Merino, Kamal, Conrad Lindholm: Soil characteristics and site effect assessment in the city of Delhi (India) using H/V and f–k methods. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 07/2010; 30(7-30):591-599., DOI:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.01.016
20.A. K. Mundepi, Conrad Lindholm, Kamal: Soft soil mapping using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) for seismic hazard assessment of Chandigarh city in Himalayan foothills, north India. Journal of the Geological Society of India 11/2009; 74(5):551-558., DOI:10.1007/s12594-009-0166-x
21.B.R. Arora, Kamal, Amit Kumar, Gautam Rawat, Kumar Naresh, V. M. Choubey: First Observations of Free Oscillations of the Earth (FOE) from Indian Superconducting Gravimeter in Himalaya.. Current science 12/2008; 95(11):1611-1617.
22.Pathikrit Bhattacharya, Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Kamal: A new analysis of aftershock sequence statistics and fault geometry fingerprinting.
23.A.K. Mundepi, Kamal, Ajay Paul: Estimation of site amplification at various litho-units in NW-Himalaya using horizontal to vertical ratio. Journal of the Geological Society of India 10/2007; 70(4):605-609.
24.Sandeep A Joshi, Kamal, Parveen, Kumar, Ashvini Kumar, Piu Dhibar, Á A Joshi, Á Kamal, Á A Kumar, Á P Dhibar, P Kumar: Modeling of strong motion generation areas of the Niigata, Japan, earthquake of 2007 using modified semi-empirical technique Niigata earthquake Á Frequency-dependent radiation pattern. Natural Hazards 01/2007; 77(2)., DOI:10.1007/s11069-015-1636-7
25.AK Mundepi, Kamal and AK Paul, 2005. Estimation of Site Amplification at Various Lithounits in NW Himalaya using Horizontal to Vertical ratio, Journal of the Geological Society of India (submitted).
26.Kamal and AK Mundepi, 2005. Estimation of Effective Soft Sediment Thickness for Seismic Microzonation in Dehradun city in North West Himalaya, India using ambient vibrations, Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (submitted).
27.Kamal and AK Mundepi, 2005. Site Response Studies in Dehradun City: First Step towards Seismic Microzonation, The Proceedings of the Indian Geological Congress (accepted).
28.A.K.Mahajan, Sushil Kumar and Kamal, 2004. Macroseismic field observations of January 26, 2001 Kachchh earthquake and its seismotectonics, Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol 23(2), 17-25 .
29.S.K.Singh, B.K.Bansal, S.N.Bhattacharya, R.S.Dattatrayam, J.Pacheco, G. Suresh, M. Ordaz, G.D.Gupta, Kamal and S.E. Hough, 2003. Estimation of Ground Motion from Bhuj earthquake of January 26, 2001 (Mw 7.6) and Future earthquakes in India, Bull. Seismol. Soc. America, Vol 90 (1), p 353-370.
30.Kamal and S. K. Chabak, 2002. Chamoli Aftershocks: A view from the nearest Seismic Observatory, Himalayan Geology, Vol 23 (1), p 63-69.
31.Pratibha, Kamal, Singh, B. and Dwivedi, A., 1999. On the use of Symbolic computations in Geosciences, The Current Science, V76 (8), p 1145-1149..
32.Pratibha and Kamal, 1999. Using Maple V to derive correct analytical formulae for gravity anomaly derivatives over anticlines and synclines with hyperbolic density contrast, The Journal of Applied Geophysics, The Netherlands.
33.Kamal, Pratibha and Chakravarty, A., 1998. Using Fast Hartley Transform to study the free oscillations of the earth, The Journal of Seismology, V2, p179- 181.
34.Kamal and Mansinha, L., 1996. Triggering of aftershocks by the free oscillations of the earth, Bull. Seismol. Soc. America, 86(2), 299-305.
35.Mansinha, L. and Kamal, 1995. The triggering of aftershocks: Part I: A search for tidal periodicities in the 1989 Loma Prieta (california) aftershock sequence, in NATO ASI series on Inducing of Earthquakes by Underground Nuclear Explosions: Environmental and Ecological Problems, 177-186.
36.Kamal, and Mansinha, L., 1995. The triggering of aftershocks: Part II: Normal Mode periodicities in the 1989 Loma Prieta (california) aftershock sequence, in NATO ASI series on Inducing of Earthquakes by Underground Nuclear Explosions: Environmental and Ecological Problems, 187-199.
37.Kamal and Mansinha, L., 1992. A test of the superconducting gravimeter as a long period seismometer, Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 71, 52-60.
38.Kumar, C.P. and Kamal, 1992. Ground water balance of the Jamnagar district, Proc of Seminar on Ground water Hydrology, Vol I, 9-23.
39.Chander, R., Singh, V.N. and Kamal, 1985. Towards precise simulation of strong ground motion, Indian Geotechnical Conf Proceedings, Vol I, 377-381.