1. 1. Sandeep Gairola , Tejas Pramod Naik , Shishir Sinha , Inderdeep Singh, Environment aging of lignocellulosic fibers and their composites: Visual, mechanical, and microstructural aspects, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 283, 137722, (2024)
2. Ishwar Sharan, Vimal Chandra Srivastava and Shishir Sinha, "Synthesis of non-isocyanate polyurethane oligomers via aminolysis of propylene carbonate: a green route" Accepted Journal of Polymer Science, (2024)
3. Monica Ranga and Shishir Sinha, Photoelectrochemical integrated treatment of textile wastewater by prepared optimized Ni-doped PbS quantum dots on WO3/BiVO4 along with H2 production, Separation and Purification Technology, (Accepted). [2024]
4. Anand Maurya, Pradeep Kumar and Shishir Sinha, Optimization of nanofiller compositions for enhancing thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy-based composites through the application of response surface methodology with central composite design, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 101 101417, (2024)
5. Dhananjay Singh, Deepak Singh, Vinay Mishra, Jyoti Kushwaha, Mukul Sengar, Shishir Sinha, Sunita Singh, Balendu Shekher Giri, Strategies for biological treatment of waste water: A critical review, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 454, 15 May 2024, 142266 [2024] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142266,
6. Sandeep Gairola, Shishir Sinha, and Inderdeep Singh, Static and dynamic mechanical behavior of intra-hybrid jute/sisal reinforced PP Composites: Effect of stacking sequence" Polymer Composites vol 45 issue (8) pp 7049-7058 . [2024] https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.28247
7. Devendra Rai and Shishir Sinha, "Characterization and electrochemical properties of TiO2-rNTs/SnO2-Sb/PbO2 electrodes for the mineralization of persistent organic pollutants using anodic oxidation coupled Electro-Fenton treatment: Effect of precursor selection" Chemosphere 352, 141307.[2024]
8. Devendra Rai and Shishir Sinha, Graphene quantum dots synthesis using waste unburnt carbon: Implications for optoelectronics, Applied Surface Science. 653, 159386 [2024].
9. Priyanka Soni and Shishir Sinha, “Fiber and Future: Unleashing the Power of Industrial Hemp Waste through Epoxy Composites”, Polymer Composites Volume45, Issue1 pp 413-423. [2024] http://doi.org/10.1002/pc.27786
10. Manash Protim Mudoi and Shishir Sinha, Himalayan nettle fibre reinforced polymer composite: A Physical, Mechanical, and Thermal Analysis, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 14:30415–30434 [2024]
11. Kajal Mishra and Shishir Sinha, "Optimization of the Alkali Treatment on the Tempo-Modified Cellulosic Nanoreinforcement in Autoclaved Epoxy Matrix", Polymer Composites Volume44, Issue12. pp 8988-9007 [2023] http://doi.org/10.1002/pc.27752
12. Devendra Rai and Shishir Sinha, “Impact of different anode materials on Electro-Fenton process and tannery wastewater treatment using sequential Electro-Fenton and Electrocoagulation" Chemosphere 336, 139225. [2023]
13. Sandeep Gairola, Shishir Sinha and Inderdeep Singh, Thermal stability of extracted lignin from novel millet husk crop residue, International Journal of Biological Micromolecules.242, 124725 [2023]
14. Sandeep Gairola, Shishir Sinha and Inderdeep Singh, “Waste Biomass and Recycled Polypropylene based Jute Hybrid Composites for Non-Structural Applications”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 25, pp 2063-2076 [2023]
15. Manash Protim Mudoi and Shishir Sinha, Thermal degradation study of natural fibre through thermogravimetric analysis, Materials Today Proceedings [2023]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.05.362
16. Kajal Mishra and Shishir Sinha, “Response of Extreme Environmental Ageing on the Novel Moringa Stenopetala Husk Fiber/Epoxy Composites: Understanding the Characteristics and Thermokinetic Behavior”, Polymer Composites Vol 44 issue 4 pp.2331-2360 April. [2023] https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.27248
- Anand Maurya, Shishir Sinha, Pradeep Kumar and Vijay Singh, A review: Impact of surface treatment of nanofillers for improvement in thermo mechanical properties of the epoxy based nanocomposites, published in Materials Today Proceedings https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2023.01.178, [2023]
18. Monica Ranga and Shishir Sinha, "Mechanism and the Techno-economic Analysis of the Electrochemical Process: A Review", ChemBioEng Reviews. Vol.10 no. 3, 336-362 [2023]
19. Kajal Mishra and Shishir Sinha, “Biodegradable Green Composite Film Developed From Moringa Oleifera (Sahajana) leave Filler and PVA : Surface Functionalization, Characterization and Barrier Properties” Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, vol. 36(1), pp. 345-371, (2023) DOI: 10.1177/08927057211007550.
20. Sandeep Gairola, Tejas Pramod Naik, Shishir Sinha and Inderdeep Singh, Sliding wear performance of novel millet husk reinforced polypropylene composites, published in Materials Today Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.12.209. [2023]
21. D. Singh, S.Singh, S. K. Patel, Shishir Sinha, Raj Kumar Arya and Dhanajay Singh, Experimental Investigation of Different –Shaped microwave-heated potatoes : Thermal and Quality Characteristics analysis for food preservation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research vol 30, pp.8416-8428, [2023] [https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-18473-4]
22. Kajal Mishra and Shishir Sinha, Extended investigation of Ficus religiosa based PVA electrospun nanofiber for cosmeceutical application, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol.72(5), pp 2668-2680, [2023] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.08.346
23. Monica Ranga, Shishir Sinha and Pinakshi Biswas, Rhodamine B dye degradation by fabricated Ti/RuO2 anode: Optimization by RSM, reaction mechanism, study of sludge, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol 40 no. 9 pp. 2219-2238 [2022]
24. Sandeep Gairola, Tejas Pramod Naik, Shishir Sinha and Inderdeep Singh, Corncob waste as a potential filler in biocomposites: A decision towards sustainability, Composites Part C 9:100317, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomc.2022.100317, [2022].
25. Achal Pandey, Srinivasarao Naik B, Shishir Sinha and B. Prasad, Carbon Black Production from Various Sources by Thermal Cracking Method, Energy, Environment and Storage, 02-03:1-8, Doi: https://doi.org/10.52924/ NSVQ3567 [2022]
- Priyanka Soni and Shishir Sinha, Assessment of Chemical Treatment on Hemp Fiber Utilized as Reinforcement in Polymer Composites: Association of Thermal degradation and Activation Energy of Fiber, Journal of Natural Fibers, Vol.19(17), pp.15249-15260. [2022] https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2022.2121353
27. Manash Mudoi and Shishir Sinha, “Optimizing the alkali treatment of cellulosic Himalayan nettle fibre for reinforcement in polymer composites” Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol 296, 119937. [2022] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119937
28. Priyanka Soni and Shishir Sinha “Synergistic effect of alkali and silane treatment on mechanical, flammability, and thermal degradation of hemp fiber/epoxy composite” Polymer Composites, 43(9),pp. 6204-6215. [2022]
29. Sandeep Gairola, Shishir Sinha and Inderdeep Singh, "Novel millet husk crop-residue based thermoplastic composites: Waste to value creation" Industrial Crops & Products, vol 182, 114891. [2022] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114891
30. Devendra Rai and Shishir Sinha, Research trends in the development of anodes for electrochemical oxidation of Wastewater, Paper accepted in Reviews in Chemical Engineering [2022] https://doi.org/10.1515/revce-2021-0067
31. G L Devnani and Shishir Sinha, Utilization of natural cellulosic African Teff straw fiber for development of epoxy composites: Thermal characterization with activation energy analysis, Journal of Natural Fibers. Vol 19 no. 13, pp 6564-6575, (2022)
32. Jyoti Jain and Shishir Sinha, “Potential of Pineapple leaf Fibers and their Modifications for Development of Tile Composites” Journal of Natural Fibers vol 19, no. 13, pp 4822-4834 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2020.1870629
33. Brajesh Kumar, Shashi Kumar, Shishir Sinha and Surendra Kumar, Energy and exergy optimization of oxidative steam reforming of acetone-butanol-ethanol-water mixture as a renewable source for H2 production via thermodynamic modeling, Chemical Product and Process Modeling. Vol.17(6), pp. 603-618 (2022) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/cppm-2020-0116
34. Jyoti Jain and Shishir Sinha, Pineapple Leaf Fiber Polymer Composites as a promising tool for Sustainable, Eco-friendly Composite Material: Review, Journal of Natural Fibers, Vol.19(15),pp10031-10052. [2022] https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2021.1993478
35. Manash Protim Mudoi, Shishir Sinha and Vijay Parthasarthy, Polymer Composite Material with Nettle Fiber Reinforcement- A Review, Bioresource Technology Reports. Vol.16, 100860 [2021], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2021.100860
36. Prashant Srivastava and Shishir Sinha, Effect of fiber hybridization on mechanical, thermal, and water absorption behavior of HF/CF/HDPE composites, Polymers and Polymer Composites. Vol.29(9), pp. S882-S894 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1177/09673911211027129
37. Kantilal Chouhan, Shishir Sinha, Shashi Kumar and Surendra Kumar, Simulation of Steam Reforming of Biogas in an Industrial Reformer for Hydrogen Production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol 46(53), pp. 26809-26824 (2021)
38. B Srinivasaraonaik, Shishir Sinha and Lok Pratap Singh, Studies on Microstructural and thermo-physico properties of Microencapsulated Eutectic phase change material incorporated pure cement system, Journal of Energy Storage Vol 35, 102318. (2021)
39. Jyoti Jain, Shishir Sinha and Shorab Jain, Compendious Characterization of Chemically Treated Natural fiber from Pineapple Leaves for Reinforce, Journal of Natural fibers vol.18, issue 6, pp 845-856. (2021) DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2019.1658256.
40. B Srinivasaraonaik, Lok Pratap Singh, Shishir Sinha, Inderjeet Tyagi and Anujay Rawat, Studies on thermal properties of microencapsulated eutectic phase change material incorporated different mortar mixes, International Journal of Energy Research, vol. 45(2), pp 2488-2497 (2021) DOI: 10.1002/er.5943.
41. B Srinivasaraonaik, Shishir Sinha and Lok Pratap Singh, "Synthesis of encapsulation of binary mixture by silica and its performance in pure cementitious system" Energy Storage. Vol3(3), pp.1-14 (2021) DOI: 10.1002/est2.229
42. Kajal Mishra and Shishir Sinha, Development and assessment of Moringa oleifera (Sahajana) leaves filler/epoxy composites: Characterization, barrier properties and in situ determination of activation energy, Polymer Composite vol 41: pp 5015-5029 (2020)
43. B Srinivasaraonaik, Lok Pratap Singh, Shishir Sinha, Inderjeet Tyagi and Anujay Rawat, Studies on the mechanical properties and thermal behavior of microencapsulated eutectic mixture in gypsum composite board for thermal regulation in the buildings, Journal of Building Engineering 31:101400 (2020)
44. B Srinivasaraonaik, Lok Pratap Singh, Inderjeet Tyagi, Anujay Rawat and Shishir Sinha Microencapsulation of a eutectic PCM using in-situ polymerization technique for thermal energy storage International Journal of Energy Research Vol 44, pp 3854-3864. (DOI: 10.1002/er.5182) (2020)
45. Suresh Kumar Patel, Deepak Singh, G.L. Devnani, Shishir Sinha and Dhananjay Singh, Potable water production via desalination technique using solar still integrated with partial cooling coil condenser, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 43 100927, (2020)
46. G L Devnani and Shishir Sinha , African Teff Straw as a Potential Reinforcement in Polymer Composites for Light Weight Applications: Mechanical, Thermal, Physical and Chemical Characterization before and after alkali treatment. Journal of Natural fibers. Vol. 17, issue 7,pp.1011-1025. (2020) (https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2018.1546640).
47. Kantilal Chouhan, Shishir Sinha, Shashi Kumar and Surendra Kumar, Utilization of Biogas from different Substrates for SOFC feed via Steam Reforming: Thermodynamic and Exergy Analyses, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol.7 issue.2 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2019.103018 )(2019)
48. G L Devnani and Shishir Sinha, Extraction, characterization and thermal degradation kinetics with activation energy of untreated and alkali treated Saccharum spontaneum (Kans grass) fiber Composites Part B: Engineering. vol 166 pp 436-445 (2019).
49. G L Devnani and Shishir Sinha, Epoxy-based composites reinforced with African teff straw (Eragrostis teff) for lightweight applications, Polymer and polymer composites, vol.27 issue 4 pp 189-200 (2019).
50. G L Devnani and Shishir Sinha, Effect of nanofillers on the properties of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites, Materials Today: Proceedings vol 18, pp 647-654, (2019).
51. Jyoti Jain, Shorab Jain and Shishir Sinha, Characterization and Thermal Kinetic Analysis of Pineapple Leaf Fibers and its Reinforcement in Epoxy, Journal of Elastomers and Plastics. vol. 51 issue 3 pp 224-243 (2018).
52. Brajesh Kumar, Shashi Kumar, Shishir Sinha and Surendra Kumar, Utilization of acetone-butanol-ethanol-water mixture obtained from biomass fermentation as renewable feedstock for hydrogen production via steam reforming: Thermodynamic and energy analyses, Bioresource Technology 261, 385-393, (2018).
53. Prashant Srivastava and Shishir Sinha, Effect of surface treatment on hair fiber as reinforcement of HDPE composites: Mechanical properties and water absorption kinetics, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol 35(5) pp 1209-1218 (2018).
54. Nirupama Prasad, V.K. Agarwal and Shishir Sinha, Hybridization effect of coir fiber on physico-mechanical properties of polyethylene-banana/coir fiber hybrid composites. Sci. Eng. Compos. Mater. Vol 25(1) pp 133-141, (2018).
55. Nirupama Prasad, V.K. Agarwal and Shishir Sinha, Thermal degradation of coir fiber reinforced low-density polyethylene composites, Sci. Eng. Compos. Mater. Vol 25(2), pp 363-372 (2018) .
56. Prashant Srivastava and Shishir Sinha, Effect of chemical treatment on thermal properties of hair fiber based reinforcement of HF/HDPE composites, Sci. Eng. Compos. Mater. Vol 25(4) pp 807-815 (2018).
57. Prashant Srivastava and Shishir Sinha, Effect of alkali treatment on hair fiber as reinforcement of HDPE composites: Mechanical properties and water absorption behavior, Sci. Eng. Compos. Mater. Vol. 25(3) pp 571-578 (2018).
58. G L Devnani, V. Mittal and Shishir Sinha, Mathematical modelling of water absorption behavior of bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite material Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (9), pp 16912-16918 , (2018)
59. Varun Mittal and Shishir Sinha, Mechanical, thermal and water absorption properties of wheat straw/bagasse reinforced epoxy blended composites, Advances in Polymer Technology Vol 37(7) pp 2497-2503 .(2018).
60. Mahadeva Rajesh., Manik Gaurav., Verma Om Prakash and Shishir Sinha, Modelling and simulation of desalination process using artificial neural network: A review, Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 122 pp 351-364, (2018).
61. Prashant Srivastava, Chetan Kumar Garg and Shishir Sinha, The Influence of Chemical Treatment on the Mechanical Behaviour of hair Fibre-Reinforced Composites, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol 5, issue 11, pp 22922-22930, (2018).
62. Umesh Chandra Sharma, Sadhna Sachan and Shishir Sinha, Analysis of viscosity-temperature behaviour of karanja oil trimethylolpropane ester bio-lubricant base stock, Asian Journal of Chemistry, vol 30 issue 4, pp 790-794, (2018)
63. Lakshya Agarwal, Shishir Sinha, M.S. Bhatti and V. K. Gupta, Mixer Design Optimization with Fractured Surface Topography of Mechanical Properties of Polymer Biocomposites, Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.74, pp 272-280, (2017).
64. Varun Mittal and Shishir Sinha, Effect of chemical treatment on thermal properties of bagasse fiber-reinforced epoxy composite, Sci. Eng. Compos. Mater., vol 24(2) pp 237-244 (2017).
65. Varun Mittal and Shishir Sinha, Study the effect of fiber loading and alkali treatment on mechanical and water absorption properties of wheat straw fiber reinforced epoxy composites, Sci. Eng. Compos. Mater., vol 24(5) pp 731-738 (2017).
66. Varun Mittal, Rajat Saini and Shishir Sinha, Natural fiber-mediated epoxy composites- A Review, Composites Part B 99 pp425-435 (2016)
67. Varun Mittal and Shishir Sinha, Effect of alkali treatment on the thermal properties of wheat straw fiber reinforced epoxy composites, J. Compos. Mater., Vol. 51(3), 323-331, (2017).
68. Nitin Naresh Pandhare; Pudi, Satyanarayana; Prakash Biswas and Shishir Sinha, Selective hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,2-propanediol over highly active and stable Cu/MgO catalyst in vapor phase, Organic Process Research & Development 20(6), pp1059-1067. (2016).
69. Nitin Naresh Pandhare; Pudi, Satyanarayana; Prakash Biswas and Shishir Sinha, Vapor phase hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,2-propanediol over γ-Al2O3 supported copper or nickel monometallic and copper-nickel bimetallic catalysts, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, vol. 61, pp 90-96, (2016).
70. Nirupama Prasad, V.K. Agarwal and Shishir Sinha, Banana Fiber Reinforced Low-density Polyethylene Composites: Effect of Chemical Treatment and Compatibilizer, Iranian Polymer Journal 25, 229-241,(2016).
71. Sunil Kumar Yadav, Shishir Sinha and Dhruv Kumar Singh, Modified date palm trunk for the effective removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution and industrial wastewater, Environ. Progress and Sustainable Energy, 34,452–460 (2015)
72. Nirupama Prasad, V.K. Agarwal and Shishir Sinha, Physico-Mechanical Properties of Coir Fiber/LDPE Composites: Effect of Chemical Treatment and Compatibilizer, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 32(12),2534-2541 (2015).
73. Arnab Roy, Prashant Srivastava and Shishir Sinha, "Dynamic Failure Assessment of an Ammonia Storage Unit: A Case Study” Process Safety and Environmental Protection vol 94, 385-401 (2015).
74. Varun Mittal and Shishir Sinha, “Effect of chemical treatment on mechanical and water absorption properties of bagasse fiber-reinforced epoxy composite” Journal of Polymer Engineering, vol. 35 issue 6, pp545-550 (2015).
75. Arnab Roy, Prashant Srivastava and Shishir Sinha, “Risk and Reliability Assessment in Chemical Process Industries Using Bayesian Methods, Reviews in Chem. Engg. Vol 30, Issue 5, Pages 479–499(2014) (Impact factor 1.676).
76. Sunil Kumar Yadav, Dhruv Kumar Singh and Shishir Sinha, "Adsorptive Removal of Hg(II) from Synthetic and Real Aqueous Solutions using Modified Papaya Seed" Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology vol 37 pp 1612-1622 (2016).
77. Satyanarayana Murty Pudi, Tarak Mondal, Prakash Biswas, Shalini Biswas and Shishir Sinha, "Conversion of Glycerol into Value- Added Products Over Cu-Ni Catalysts Supported on γ-Al2O3 and Activated Carbon, Inter. J. of Chem. Rect. Engg. 12(1), 151-162, (2014) (Impact Factor 0.739)
78. Sunil Kumar Yadav, Dhruv Kumar Singh and Shishir Sinha, "Chemical Carbonization of Papaya seed Originated Charcoal for Sorption of Pb(II) from Aqueous Solution" J. of Environmental Chemical Engineering" 2, 9-19, (2014).
79. Sweta, Shri Chand and Shishir Sinha, Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Polymer Anchored Metal Complex for Oxidation of Cyclohexane, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Vol 130(3), 2127-2135 (2013).
80. Vinay Kumar, Manohar Singh Saini B.K. Kanungo and Shishir Sinha, Study of Thermal Properties of Rice Husk Polypropylene (RHPP) Composites, Advanced Composite Letters, 22(6), 125-130 (2013).
81. Sunil Kumar Yadav, Dhruv Kumar Singh and Shishir Sinha, Adsorption Study of Pb(II) onto Xanthated Date Palm Trunk: Kinetics, Isotherm and Mechanism, Desalination and Water Treatment 51(34-36), 6798-6807, (2013).
82. Sunil Kumar Yadav, Shishir Sinha and Dhruv Kumar Singh, Removal of Lead(II) from Aqueous Solution using Papaya Seed Carbon: Characteristics and Kinetics Study, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Vol 4(2), 127-136, (2013).
83. Sweta Sharma, Shishir Sinha and Shri Chand*, Polymer Anchored Catalysts for Oxidation of Styrene Using TBHP and Molecular Oxygen, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Vol.51(26). pp 8806-8814, (2012).
84. Sweta Sharma, Shishir Sinha*, , Prakash Biswas, Mannar R Maurya and Shri Chand, Oxidation of Styrene over Polymer and Nonpolymer-Anchored Cu(II) and MN(II) Complex Catalysts, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Vol 127(5) 3424-3434 (2013).
85. Vinay Kumar, Manohar Singh Saini, B.K. Kanungo and Shishir Sinha*, Effect of Various Additives on Mechanical Properties of Rice Husk Polypropylene (RHPP) Composites, J. Polym. Engg. Vol. 32(3), pp 163-166, (2012).
86. Abhimanyu Kumar and Shishir Sinha*, Steady State Modeling And Simulation Of Hydrocracking Reactor, Petroleum and Coal. Vol. 54(1), pp 59-64, (2012).
87. Vinay Kumar, Lalit Tyagi and Shishir Sinha, Wood flour – reinforced plastic composites: a review, Reviews in Chemical Engineering Vol. 27, Issue 1-2, pp 253-264, (2011).
88. Shishir Sinha, Vinay Kumar, Manohar Singh Saini and B.K. Kanungo, Effect of Titanate Coupling Agent on Mechanical Prperties of Rice Husk Polypropylene Composites, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 23(2), 681-683, (2011)
89. Vinay Kumar, Shishir Sinha, Manohar Singh Saini, and B. K. Kanungo Effect of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Rice Husk Poly Propylene Composites, International Polymer Processing vol. 4, pp 311-314, (2010).
90. Shishir Sinha, Vinay Kumar, Manohar Singh Saini and B.K. Kanungo, Kaolin as Additive in Rice Husk Poly Propylene (RHPP) Composites, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 5, Issue8, pp. 1404-1408, (2010)
91. Prakash Biswas, Supriya Agrawal and Shishir Sinha, Modeling and Simulation for Pressure Swing Adsorption system for Hydrogen Purification, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Q. Journal 24 (4) 409–414, (2010).
92. Vinay Kumar, Shishir Sinha*, Prakash Biswas and Manohar Singh Saini, Rice Husk as Reinforcing Filler in Polypropylene Composites, Reviews in Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, Issue 1-2, pp 41–53, (2010).
93. Vijay Kumar Koratiya, Sunil Kumar and Shishir Sinha* Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of FCC Downer Reactor, Petroleum & Coal 52 (3) 183-192, (2010).
94. Shishir Sinha and Praveen Ch. Strategic Estimation of Kinetic Parameters in VGO Cracking, Computers Materials and Continua, vol.9(1), pp 1-10, (2009)
95. Shishir Sinha and Shalini Sinha, Studies on the Production of Acid Protease by Submerged Fermentation, International Journal of Food Engineering vol 5(1), art. 5. (2009)
96. Shishir Sinha, Alak K. Singh and Karunakar Singh, Study On Β-Galactosidase Isolation, Purification And Optimization Of Lactose Hydrolysis In Whey For Production Of Instant Energy Drink, International Journal of Food Engineering vol 5(2), art. 5. (2009)
97. Shishir Sinha and Vinay Kumar, Effect of gas phase nitration on PMMA based ion exchange resin, Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing vol 5(3), pp297-312, (2009).
98. Praveen Ch. and Shishir Sinha, Effect of Pressure on Height of Regenerator Dense Bed in an FCCU, Petroleum & Coal Journal. Vol 51(2), 124-135, (2009).
99. Shishir Sinha and Praveen Ch. Novel Method for Estimation of Kinetic parameters in VGO Cracking, Petroleum & Coal Journal. Vol 51(3), 183-187, (2009)
100. Shishir Sinha and Praveen Ch. Optimization of Industrial Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit having Five Lump Kinetic Scheme using Genetic Algorithm, Comp. Model. in Engg. and Sci. vol 32(2), pp 85-101 (2008).
101. Gopal S. Mishra and Shishir Sinha, Solvent-free single-pot oxidation (O2) of cyclohexane catalyzed by SiO2 supported palladium catalysts, Catalysis Letters Vol 125, pp 139-144 (2008).
102. Renu Ahlawat, V.C. Srivastava, I.D. Mall and Shishir Sinha, Investigation of Electrocoagulation Treatment of Cotton Blue Dye Solution using Aluminium Electrodes, Clean- Soil, Air, Water. Vol 36(10-11), pp 863-869, (2008).
103. Anil K. Saroha, Parmod Kumar Parag Kansal and Shishir Sinha , Effect of Cationic Starch and Long fibered Bamboo Pulp on the Double fold of Recycled Bagasse Paper, IPPTA Journal 20(3), pp 179-184, (2008)
104. Anil K. Saroha, Parmod Kumar and Shishir Sinha, Effect of Cationic Starch and long fiber pulp in the development of burst and tear index of recycled bagasse paper, IPPTA Journal 20(4), pp 159-166, (2008)
105. Anil K. Saroha, PVKK Verma, Parmod Kumar and Shishir Sinha, Improvement in Strength Properties of Recycled Bagasse Paper by Blending with Long Fibre Pulp and Retention Aids, In Paper International, 10 (2) 21 (2008)
106. Anil K. Saroha, Parmod Kumar and Shishir Sinha, Effect of Cationic Starch and Long Fiber Pulp in the Breaking Length of Recycled Bagasse Paper, Paper India, 10(4), pp 22-25, (2007)
107. Roshan G. Shaikh, Anupam Shukla, Shishir Sinha, Jitendra Kumar and Anil Kumar Preparation of bipolar zeolite exchangers by gas-phase modification using NOx Chemical Engineering Science Volume 59, (3), pp 661-670, (2004).
108. Shishir Sinha, Namita Jayaswal and Anil Kumar, Preparation of high capacity weak base poly(methyl methacrylate)-ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate copolymer anion exchange resin by modification using NOx, J. Appl. Poly. Sci pp.1991-1999,vol 89(7) ,(2003).
109. Shishir Sinha and Anil Kumar, Preparation of High Capacity Chloroethylated Strong Base Anion Exchange Resin Using NOx., Seperation Sci. and Tech. pp895-919, vol 37(4), (2002).
110. Namita Jayaswal, Shishir Sinha and Anil Kumar, Effect of Chemical Modifications upon Exchange Capacity of Surface Aminated Macroporous Styrene-Divinyl Benezene copolymer Anion Exchange Resin. , J. Appl. Poly. Sci pp.1735-1748,vol 79(10) ,(2001).
111. V.K.Tyagi, A.K.Vashishtha, and Shishir Sinha, Evaluation of Blended Frying Oils in Deep-Fat Frying. J.O.T.A.I. p.36-48 Jan-Mar. (1998).
112. Shishir Sinha and N. C. Mishra , Vegetable Oil as Diesel Fuel Substitute, C.E.W. xxxii,no.10, pp 77-80,(1997).
113. Shishir Sinha, N. C. Mishra and R.P.Singh, Effective Safety Management in Solvent Extraction Industry. C.E.W., vol. xxxi, issue no.10, pp 141-145,(1996).
114. Shishir Sinha and R.P.Singh, Energy Saving in Edible Oil Processing Industries- A Profile, C.E.W., vol. xxxi, issue .4, pp 59-65l, (1996)