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R. Prasad
Research Interests

Educational Details
Professional Background


Honours and Awards

Teaching Engagements
Teaching Engagements

Associate Scholars

Administrative Positions
Research Interests
Molecular Biology, Infectious diseases, Genomics & Proteomics of Fungal Biofilm; MDR, anti-biofilm agents, drug discovery,Immunodominat antigens for diagnostic and vaccine , Molecular study of Abiotic Stress: expression and characterization of genes involved , in osmotic stress & anti-oxidative enzymes from plants, functional validation by RNAi technnolgy, Bio-therapeutics and Bio-Pharmaceutics: antimicrobial, anti-oxidative and immuno-modulatory , molecules from plants,coated nano-particles development & evaluation in vitro & in vivo assays.
Educational Details
Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi,India
B.Sc(honrs), Chemistry
J.N.U.,New Delhi,India
M.Phil,Pre Ph.D, Molecular Biology,Immunology
J.N.U.,New Delhi,India
Ph.D, Cell & Molecular Biology
Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi,India
M.Sc., Biochemistry
Professional Background
Professor (PB-4, Rs 37,400- 67,000, AGP -10,500),
01 Jan 2012 - Present
Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Professor & Head
01 Jan 2012 - Present
Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
Scientist (Rs. 8000-13500),
01 Jan 1995 - 01 Jan 1996
School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
Molecular changes in structural and enzymic proteins of cell wall of higher plants under salinity st 01 Jan 1997 Molecular changes in structural and enzymic proteins of cell wall of higher plants under salinity st 2.6 laks UPCST, Nil
Identification and characterization of GPI-anchored proteins. 01 Jan 1999 Identification and characterization of GPI-anchored proteins. 5.5 laks CSIR --
Identification and characterization of salinity stress induced proteins from Arachis hypogea. 01 Jan 2000 Identification and characterization of salinity stress induced proteins from Arachis hypogea. 10 laks UGC ---
Candida Biofilms: Molecular analysis of its formation and control 01 Jan 2003 Candida Biofilms: Molecular analysis of its formation and control 16.40 laks DBT V.Pruthi
Biofortification of wheat for micronutrients through conventional and molecular breeding approaches. 01 Jan 2006 Biofortification of wheat for micronutrients through conventional and molecular breeding approaches. 89 laks DBT H.S.Dhaliwal
Functional genomics for validation of candidate genes for improvement of rice 01 Jan 2009 Functional genomics for validation of candidate genes for improvement of rice 59.36 laks DBT H.S.Dhaliwal
Ferulic acid Production from weeds 01 Jan 2010 Ferulic acid Production from weeds 10 laks MHRD V .Pruthi
Antibiofilm actvities of flavanoids from citrus fruits on intruterine devices infected with Candida 01 Jan 2015 Antibiofilm actvities of flavanoids from citrus fruits on intruterine devices infected with Candida 20 laks ICMR V Pruthi
Development of Engineered Microalgae for Enhanced Lipid Accumulation 01 Jan 2015 Development of Engineered Microalgae for Enhanced Lipid Accumulation 71.68 laks DBT R.P.SINGH
Development of kit for Urea detection in Milk 01 Jan 2005 Development of kit for Urea detection in Milk 1 Lak pvt BMJ Pereira

  1. Pereira BMJ, Parul Pruthi, Prasad R. (2002). Glycosyl phasphatidyl inositol (GPI) anchored molecules on mammalian spermatozoa. In: Introduction to mammalian Reproduction, Tulsiani DRP (ed). Kluwer Academic Publishers, MA, USA.pp114 -126.
  2. Garima, S,  Pereira, B.M.J, and Ramasare Prasad (2006). Degradation of polyethylene film strips by soil fungal isolates. In Modern Multidisciplinary Applied Microbiology: Exploring Microbes and their Interactions. Mendez-Vilas, Antonio (ed), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Publication. PP- 500-506. 

3.  Ramasare Prasad,  Seema Parveen and Ashish Deep Gupta. (2008). Arabinogalactan and Arabinogalactan-protein complexes (AGPs) a natural plant derived macromolecule of therapeutic importance. In Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology and Its Applications Ed  by Ashwani Kumar and Sudhir K. Sopory, Publisher I.K. International, New Delhi. PP 582-593.

4. Nilesh Kumar Sharma, Sreela Dey and Ramasare Prasad (2008). Antioxidant potential of plants and their impact on human health. In Recent  Advances in Plant  Biotechnology and Its Applications Ed  by Ashwani Kumar and Sudhir K. Sopory, Publisher I.K. International, New Delhi. PP 564-581.


 (A) List of Publications in Journals:

1.   Bhattacharya, A., Ramasare Prasad and David Sacks (1992). Identification and characterization of a Lipophosphoglycan like molecules from a pathogenic strain of Entamoeba hystolytica. Mol. and Biochem. Parasitol. 56, 161-168.

2.   Ramasare Prasad, Tola, M., Bhattacharya, S., Sharma, M.P. and Bhattacharya, A. (1992). Recognition of Entamoeba lipophosphoglycan by monoclonal antibody specifically recognizing pathogenic strain. Mol. and Biochem. Parasitol. 56, 279-288.

3.   Bhattacharya, A., Gildayal, R., Prasad R., Bhattacharya, S. and Diamond, L.S. (1992). Modulation of a surface antigen of Entamoeba histolytica in response to bacteria. Infect. and Immun., 60, (4), 1711-1713.

4.   Bhattacharya, A., Bhattacharya, S., Ramasare Prasad and Gildayal, R. (1993). Cell-surface lipophosphoglycan of Entamoeba hystolytica. Proc. Natl. Sci. Acad., India, 25, 135-145.

5.   Prasad, R., Krishnamurthy, S., Vinita, G. and Prasad, Ramasare (1995).  Multidrug resistance in Candida albicans. ACTA Biochemica Polonica. 42 (4), 145-152.                                            

6.   Krishnamurthy S, Chatterjee U, Gupta V, Prasad R, Das P, Snehlata P, Husnain S E and Prasad R (1998). Deletion of transmembrane domain of CDR1, a multidrug transporter from Candida albicans, leads to alter drug specificity: _expression of a yeast multidrug transporter in baculovirus _expression system Yeast, 14, 535-550.

7.   Prasad R, Krishnamurthy S, Gupta V, Snehlata PPrasad R. (1998).  Expression of CDR1, a multidrug resistance gene of Candida albicans: Transcriptional activation by heat shock, drugs and human steroid hormones. FEMS Microbiol., 160 (2), 191-197. 

8.  Huchinson TE, Kumar P, Prasad R and Pereira BMJ (2000). Identification strategy for glycosyl-phasphatidyl inositol (GPI) anchored proteins from goat epididymalsperm. Int. J. Urology, 7(spl), S-73.   

9.  Prasad R and Srivastva V (2000). Molecular and biochemical changes in Arachis  hypogea under salinity stress.Chinease J. Biochem. and Mol. Biol., 15, Oct (spl ) , 63.

10. Gaur M, Srivastva N, Prasad R, Pereira BMJ (2000). Evidence for the ionic modulation of beta-galactosidase purified from goat epididymis. J Anim. Morphol and Physiol, 47 (1&2), 25-32.

11. Gaur M, Pruthi V, Prasad R, Pereira BMJ (2000). Induced coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectroscopic and flame photometric analysis of goat epididymal luminal fluid. Asian J. Androl., 2(4), 288-292.

12. Prasad R (2000). Recognition of immunodominant antigens from Mycobacterium smegmatis by polyclonal monospecific antibodies  and their cross reactivity with other species. Proceedings 5th international meeting on Molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics of infectious diseases (MEEGID), Hyderbad, India. J. Infection Genetics and Evolution. (spl) abstract-56, P-35.

13. Prasad R, Yadav G (2001). A 75 kDa highly immunodominant antigen from M. smegmatis, its cross reactivity with other species. Ind . J. Exp. Biol. 39, 255-262.

14. Prasad R (2001). Molecular relationship among different mycobacterial species based on immuno cross reactivity, 2-D fingerprints of whole proteins and nucleic acid hybridization. Recent Advances in Molecular Biology, Allergy and Immunology. Edited by . Ramchand C.N., MPN Nair and Bonny Pilo, SUN PHARMA Pvt Ltd,  and State university New York Baffalo, USA. Allied Publishers, P50-64.

15. Garg DK and Prasad R (2001). The study of chemical constituent in silken styles of corn (Zea maize).  A clinical review. Adv. In Biosc, 40, 1-8.

16. Huchintion TE, Dwivedi K, Rastogi A, Prasad R, Perieira BMJ (2002). N-acetyl D-glucosaminidase is not attched to human sperm membrane through the glycosylphosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-anchore. Asian J Androl., 4, 24-33.

17. Pereira BMJ, Pruthi V, Prasad R (2001). Exploring the potential of herbal drugs for the development of the pharmaceutical sector in the state of Uttaranchal. Proc. All India Seminar on infrastructural development in Uttaranchal, problem & prospects. pp-172-183.

18. Huchintion TE, Prasad R, Pereira BMJ (2002). GPI-anchored molecules shelter sperm from macrophages. Proceedings SRBCEXX ,2001.

19. Pereira BMJ and Prasad R (2001). Herbalism: The next generation reproductive biomedicine.  J. Endocrinol. Reprod. 5:  40-50.

20. Parveen,S,  Gupta,A D and Prasad R (2003).  Isolation and purification of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) and like molecules from Catharanthus roseus and its antifungal potentials. In Proceedings of National Symposium on Biochemical Sciences, Health and Environmental aspects. Ed by Satya Prakash , Allied Publishers PVT Limited, Agra, India , (2003), 391-394.

21. Parveen,  S. and  Prasad, R. (2005). Antimicrobial potentials of Thymus vulgaris. In Proceedings of the 7th National symposium on Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology , IIT Delhi,  March 11-12, 2005, pp -6-7.

22. Hutchinson, T.E., Rastogi, A., Prasad, R. and Pereira, B.M.J. (2005).  Phospholipase-C sensitive GPI-anchored proteins of goat sperm: possible role in spermprotection. Animal Reproduction Science, 88, 271-286.

23. Seema Parveen and  Ramasare Prasad (2005) Antimicrobial Potential of Arabinogalactan  Proteins (AGPs) like Molecules from Nerium oderum leaves. Glycoconjugate journal, Vol 22, 261-262.

24.  Garima, S,  Pereira, B.M.J, and Ramasare Prasad (2006). Degradation of polyethylene film strips by soil fungal isolates. In Modern Multidisciplinary Applied Microbiology: Exploring Microbes and their Interactions. Mendez-Vilas, Antonio (ed), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Publication. PP- 500-506. 

25. Parveen, S., Gupta, A.D., Prasad, R. (2007).  Arabinogalactan protein from Arachis hypogaea : role as carrier in drug-formulations, International Journal of Pharmaceutics.  333, 79-86.

26.   Sharma NK, Dey S, Prasad R. (2007). In vitro antioxidant potential evaluation of Euphorbia hirta. Pharmacology online 1:91-98.

27. Parveen, S., Gupta, A.D., Prasad, R,. (2007).  A 53 kDa immunomodulatory protein    from the leaves of Nerium odorum. Allergy, 62 (suppl 83), 259-260.

28. Singh R.K., Sharma N.K., Ramasare Prasad & Singh U.P. (2008). DNA cleavage study using Copper (II)-GlyAibHis: A tripeptide complex based on ATCUN peptide motif. Protein & Peptide Letters, 15, pp-000-000(in press).)

29. Sharma N.K., Ramasare Prasad (2008). Protective effect of a phenolic fraction from  E hirta against oxidative damage of macromolecules. J. Biotechnology, 6, 56-60. (elsevier). 

30. Manish Rana, Gopal Gupta,  Ramasare Prasad (2009) Purification and characterization of sperm motility stimulatory protein from goat follicular fluid. Asian Journal of Andrology. doi: 10.1038/aja.2009.39.

35. Singh A. and Prasad, R. (2009) Salt stress effects growth and cell wall bound enzymes in Arachis hypogaea L. seedlings. International Journal of Integrated Biology,  7: 117-123. 

36.  Mathur G, Mathur, A, Prasad R (2010) Isolation of Aspergillus fumigatus(ITCC no. 6050) from plastic waste dumpsite, with the ability to adhere and degrade High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) in submerged medium”. International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Research, 1(1): 30-37.

37. Rana M. and Prasad R.  (2011), Chemotaxis: role in egg-sperm interaction and its evaluation.  Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology, 1, 1-21.,

38. Garima Mathur, Ashwani Mathur, Ramasare Prasad (2011), Colonization and Degradation of Thermally Oxidized High-Density Polyethylene by Aspergillus niger (ITCC No. 6052) Isolated from Plastic Waste Dumpsite. Bioremediation Journal, 15(2): 69–76, 2011. (Taylor & Francis Group Publication, UK), Impact Factor: 2.1.

39. Awasthi A, Paul P, Kumar S, Verma S. Kumar., Prasad R., Dhaliwa H.S.  (2012). Abnormal endosperm development causes female sterility in rice insertional mutant OsAPC6. Plant Science, 183, 167–174(Impact factor- 2.481)

40. Neelam K.,  Rawat N., Tiwari V.K.,  Prasad R.,  Tripathi S.K,. Randhawa G.S and  Dhaliwal H.S. (2012).  Evaluation and Identification of Wheat-Aegilops Addition Lines Controlling High Grain Iron and Zinc Concentration and Mugineic Acid Production.  Cereal Research Communications 40(1), pp. 53–61 (DOI: 10.1556/CRC.40.2012.1.7)  (Impact factor. 1.19)

41. Priyanka Paul, Anjali Awasthi, Amit Kumar Rai, Santosh Kumar Gupta,  Ramasare Prasad, H.S.Dhaliwal, T.R.Sharma (2012). A rice homolog  of elf1 controls tillering in OsTEF1 insertional mutant of rice, Functional and Integrative Genomics. 12:291–304 DOI 10.1007/s10142-012-0264-5 ( Impact factor. 3.83)

42.  Garima M. and Prasad R. (2012). Degradation of polyurethane by Aspergillus fumigatus (ITCC 6051) isolated from soil.  Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, DOI:10.1007/s12010-012-9572-4  (Springer Publication). Impact Factor: 1.879 (2010)

43. Sharma N K and Prasad Ramasare (2012).  Protective effect of a glycosides enriched fraction (GAM) from Aegle marmelos leaves on oxidative damage to biomolecules. Journal Environmental Research and Development. (accepted)

44. Sunity Singh, Ramasre Prasad, Kazal Pathania, Himanshu Joshi (2012). Antifungal activity of Plumbagin & Isodiospyrin from Diospyros kaki root bark. Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 2 (1):1-5.

45. Priyanka  P,  Awasthi A, , Rai A K, Gupta S K, Prasad Ramasare, Sharma T.R. Dhaliwal H. S (2012) Reduced tillering in Basmati rice T-DNA insertional mutant OsTEF1 associates with differential expression of stress related genes and transcription factors.  Functional & Integrative Genomics 12(2):291-304 · Impact Factor: 2.48 ·  DOI: 10.1007/s10142-012-0264-5 · Source: PubMed

46. Awasthi A, Paul P, Rai A K, Gupta S K, Prasad Ramasare, Dhaliwal H. S., Sharma T.R. (2012), Transcriptome analysis of a Basmati rice mutant OsAPC6 provides an insight into the role of APC6 in GA-signaling, Functional and Integrative Genomics (Impact factor. 3.83).

47. Priyanka Paul, Anjali Awasthi, Satish Kumar, Shailendra Kumar  Verma, Ramasare Prasad, H.S.Dhaliwal ,(2012) Development of multiple embryos in polyembryonic insertional mutant OsPE of rice, Plant Cell Rep 31 (10), 1779-87. ·DOI 10.1007/s00299-012-1291-3  (Impact Factor: 2.279, 2010)

48. Kumari Neelam, Nidhi Rawat,Vijay K. Tiwari,, Nikita Ghandhi,  Patokar Chetan     Arun, Sundip Kumar,    Sangharsh K. Tripathi, Gursharn S. Randhawa , Ramasare  Prasad ,and Harcharan S. Dhaliwal (2013). Development and Molecular characterization of wheat Aegilops longissima derivatives with high grain micronutrients. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7(4):508-514   (Impact Factor: 1.63,  2011).

49. Kumar S, Sing A K, Prasad Ramasare (2012), Herbicides (2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, Isoproturon) and its Interaction with Triticum aestivum L. Alone and in Combination. Research Journal of Biotechnology 7(4)232-249  (I.P 0.262, 2013)

50. Alok Jha, Ramasare Prasad (2013) Substrate based inhibitor of Straberry Dioxygenase: Homology Model.  International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2250-3153

51. Alok Jha, Ramasare Prasad (2013) Straberry Dioxygenase: Vorapaxar A model for antiplatelet therapy. IORS:JPBS; 8, 3: 24-32.

52. Suma C. Pemmaraju, Parul A. Pruthi, Ramasare. Prasad and Vikas Pruthi, 2013. Candida albicans Biofilm Inhibition by Synergistic Action of Terpenes and Fluconazole. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology.  51, 1032-1037.   

53. Rajbala Yadav  & Ramasare Prasad (2014) . Identification and functional characterization of sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase protein from rice and structural elucidation by in silico approach. Planta, , 240, 223-238(Impact Factor: 3.38)

54. Saroj S, Kumar K, Pareek N, Prasad R, Singh R P ( 2014 ). Biodegradation of azo  dyes Acid Red 183, Direct Blue 15 and Direct Red 75 by the isolate Penicillium oxalicum SAR-3. Chemosphere 107, 240-248.   IF : 3.634

55. Kakoli Banerjee and Ramasare. Prasad  (2014), A new technique in reference based DNA sequence compression algorithm: Enabling partial decompression. International Conference of  Computational  Methods in Sciences and  Engineering 2014 (ICCMSE2014),  Top of Form

Bottom of Form

AIP Conf. Proceedings. 1618, 799; April 4–7 (2014),  Athens, Greece .

56. Kakoli Banerjee and Ramasare Prasad (2015) New Method for Inter Chromosomal Sequence Compression.  International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences   3, (5),  188-193. (Impact Factor 2.24 , ISSN 2349-4476).

57. Alok Jha and Ramasare Prasad (2015), Partial purification and structure prediction of salinity induced NADP dependent sorbitol-6- phosphate dehydrogenase from groundnut.  Int. J. of Sc. Res. 4 (11), 18-20. (I.F. 3.24).

58.  Alok Jha and Ramasare Prasad  (2016) Cholesterol binding to the carotenoid binding site in Straberry Dioxygenase. I. J.  of Appl. Res., 6 (2), 9.12. (I.F.3.9).

59.   Suma C. Pemmaraju,  Parul A. Pruthi,  Ramasare  Prasad,  Vikas Pruthi (2016), Modulation of Candida albicans Biofilm by Different Carbon Sources Mycopathologia Impact Factor: 1.53 · DOI: 10.1007/s11046-016-9992-8.

60. Alok Jha and Ramasare Prasad (2016). Structural Features of Strawberry Dioxygenase by Homology Modeling  Global J.  Res. Analys. 5(1), 59-62.  ISSN No 2277 - 8160 (IF 3.12)


61.   Shailender Kumar Verma, Satish Kumar, Imran Sheikh, Sachin Malik, Priyanka Mathpald, Vishal Chugh, Sundip Kumar, Ramasare Prasad and Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal (2016). Transfer of useful variability of high grain iron and zinc from Aegilops kotschyi into wheat through seed irradiation approach. International Journal of Radiation Biology,

62.. Shailender Kumar Verma, Satish Kumar,  Imran Sheikh,  Prachi Sharma,  Priyanka Mathpal,  Sachin Malik,  Priyanka Kundu,  Anjali Awasthi, Sundip Kumar,  Ramasare Prasad,  Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal (2016). Induced Homoeologous Pairing for Transfer of Useful Variability for High Grain Fe and Zn from Aegilops kotschyi into Wheat.  Plant Mol Biol Rep DOI 10.1007/s11105-016-0989-8

63. Anchal Sharma, Vijay Kumar, ApurvaChatrath, Aditya Dev, Ramasare Prasad, Ashwani Kumar Sharma, ShaillyTomar, PravindraKumar (2017). In vitro metal catalyzed oxidative stress in DAH7PS: Methionine modification leads to structure destabilization and induce amorphous aggregation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.08.105) (Impact factor: 3.671)

64. NavdeepRaghuwanshi, Poonam Kumari, Amit Kumar Srivastava, PriyaVashisth,Tara Chand Yadav, Ramasare Prasadand VikasPruthi (2017) Synergistic effects of Woodfordiafruticosa gold nanoparticles in preventing microbial adhesion and accelerating wound healing in Wistar albino rats in vivo. Materials Science and Engineering: C80, 252-262 (DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2017.05.134) (Impact factor: 4.167)

 MIAME Database Submission

Honors And Awards
Gov of Uttar Pradesh
National Merit Scholarship
Council of Scientific Research, Gov of India
Gov of India
GATE Qualified
Department of Cell & Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, Atlanta, USA,(not availed)
Post Doctoral Fellowship
Department of Biotechnology, University of Saskechwan, Sasktoon, Canada ( not availed)
Post Doctoral Fellowship
Society for Biological Chemist of India
04 Aug 2020 - Present
Life member
Indian Immunological Society
04 Aug 2020 - Present
Society of Microbiologist, India
04 Aug 2020 - Present
International Society of Bio-Technology
04 Aug 2020 - Present
Genetic and symbiotic studies on purine auxotrophs of Sinorhizobium meliloti.
01 Jan 2002 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Abass Tali-judi
Genetic and Symbiotic studies on aromatic amino acid auxotrophs of Sinorhizobium meliloti
01 Jan 2002 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Hassan F. Nazi
Biochemical& molecular changes in groundnut under salinity stress
01 Jan 2002 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Ajeet Singh
Biodegradation of high density poly-ethylene and Polyurethane films by fungi.
01 Jan 2002 - Present
Other Supervisors: BMJ Pereiral, Scholar: Ms Garima Sharma
Isolation, purification and functional study of AGP from groundnut.
01 Jan 2002 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Ashish Deep Gupta
Isolation and molecular characteri-zation of therapeutic protein from Narium.
01 Jan 2003 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Ms Seema Parveen
Identification & characterization of sperm stimulating factors from follicular fluid
01 Jan 2003 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Manish Rana
Isolation and characterization of anti-oxidant and hepatoprotective constituents from Euphorbia hirt
01 Jan 2004 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Nilesh Kumar Sharma
. Isolation, purification and characterization of antifungal compounds from Diospyros kaki.
01 Jan 2004 - Present
Other Supervisors: G SRandhawa, Scholar: Ms Suniti
Isolation and characterization of antioxidant and hepato-protective constituent from medicinal plant
01 Jan 2004 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Ms Sreela Day
Identification and characterization of genes involved in biofortification of micronutrient (Fe) in w
01 Jan 2007 - Present
Other Supervisors: H.S..Dhaliwal, Scholar: Ms Nancy Girdharwal
Straberry deoxygenase : Structural and functional study by homology Modelling
01 Jan 2008 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Alok Kumar
Expression Profilling and Functional Validation of Rice Insertional Mutants OsPE and OsTEF1
01 Jan 2009 - Present
Other Supervisors: H.S..Dhaliwal, Scholar: Pryanka Paul
Expression Profilling and Functional Validation of Rice Insertional Mutants OsAPC6 and Oss1
01 Jan 2009 - Present
Other Supervisors: H.S..Dhaliwal, Scholar: Anjali Awasthi
Introgression of Genes fro high grain Fe and Zn of group 2 chromosome of Aegilops into wheat
01 Jan 2009 - Present
Other Supervisors: H.S..Dhaliwal, Scholar: Shalender Kr Verma
Tranfer of genes fro high grain Fe and Zn content of group7 chromosomes of Aegilops to wheat
01 Jan 2009 - Present
Other Supervisors: H.S..Dhaliwal, Scholar: Satish Kumar
Biochemical and Molecualr Studies on the D degradation of Azo-Dyes by Penicillium oxalicum
01 Jan 2009 - Present
Other Supervisors: R.P.Singh, Scholar: Samata Saroj
In Silico Studies and Functional validation of Salt Inducible S-6PDH Gene in rice.
01 Jan 2010 - Present
Other Supervisors: Nil, Scholar: Rajbala Yadav
Ferulic acid production from agro waste
01 Jan 2010 - Present
Other Supervisors: V Pruthi, Scholar: Suma P.Chaitanya
Associate Scholars
Savita Bhutania
Investigating LINE1 retrotransposon activity in Oral squamous cell carcinoma patients
Ragvendra Singh
Degradation of aggrowaste by black soldier fly
Apurva Chatrath
Proteomics study of Yeast and Biofilm form of Canddia tropicalis
Poonam Kumari
Proteomics study of Yeast and Biofilm form of Cyptococus
Anjilika Yadav
Production and Purification of Organic Acids”
Tarachand Yadav
Therapeutic potential of Tyrosol”
Rashami Gangwar
Cloning and expression of a novel recombinant SOD and its biological importance
Mamtesh Kumari
Molecular genetics of stress in plants
Neha Newasch
Molecular genetics of stress in plants
Administrative Positions
01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2015
Department of Biotechnology, IIT Roorkee
Liaison Officer OBC, Cell
01 Jan 2015 - Present
IIT Roorkee
O C Purchase and Store
01 Jan 1996 - 01 Jan 2009
Department of Biotechnlogy, IIT Roorkee
Chairman, Instittue Animal Ethical Committee
01 Jan 2010 - Present
Chairman, Institute Ethics Committee,
01 Jan 2012 - Present
AIIMS , Rishikesh
• Chairman , Department Administrative Committee,
01 Jan 2012 - Present
• Executive Member Senate
01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2015
• Member Senate
01 Jan 2012 - Present
• Staff advisor
01 Jan 2009 - 01 Jan 2011
Philately section of Hobby Club, IIT Roorkee
Particulars of course
- 1. BTN 515,Genetics & Molecualr Biology credit 4 (3-1-)) 2. BTN 629 Genomics and Proteomics credit 3 (3-0-0) 3. BTN610 Molecular Diagnnostics & Therapeutic Biotechnology Credit 4(3-1-0) 4. BTN620, Project 12 credit
Other work
- 1. Reviewer Indian Journal of Microbiology (Springer publication) 2. Reviewer International Journal of Pharmaceutics, USA, (Elsevier publication) 3. Reviewer Iranian J. of Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Iran, 4. Reviewer Indian J. Experimental Biology. 5. Reviewer Bioremediation Journal, Taylor & Francis Group 6. Member Editorial Board Journal of Environment & Energy, India. 7. Member Editorial Board, International Research J. of Biotechnology. 8. Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Medical Sciences & Technology (ISSN:0974-5343 9. Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Life Sciences & Technology (ISSN:0974-5335) 10. Member Editorial Board, Shobhit University Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Extension tasks
- MEMBER/ CHAIRMAN OF VARIOUS COMMITTEE OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS: 1. Expert Member Biotechnology Departmental Academic Committee, NIT Raipur (Nov 2014 onwards) 2. Expert Member Biotechnology Departmental Visiting Committee, NIT Raipur ( Nov 2014 onwards) 3. Member Board of Studies, Department Biotechnology , NIT, Allahabad 4. Member Board of Studies, Department Biotechnology , NIT, Allahabad 5. Member Board of Studies, Department Biotechnology , MIT Gwalier 6. Expert Member, Uttarakhand Biotechnology Council, 2014 onwards 7. Chairman, Institute Ethics Committee, AIIMS , Rishikesh , 2012 onwards EVALUATIONS OF THESIS & PROJECTS REVIEW 1. Have done PhD evaluation of various institute viz Lucknow University, BHU, JNU, IIT Guwahati, NIT Allahabad, Panjab University, Uttarkhand Technical university, IIT Delhi, AIIMS, GBPUAT, UPTU etc 2. Involved as expert for evaluation of various projects from DBT, DST, CSIR , ICMR etc at to time.