List of Publications

Book Chapters

1. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., 2018, Peroxy-fuels: Burning behavior and potential applications in combustion engines, Prospects of Alternative Transportation fuels (Editors: Singh, A., Agarwal, R., Agarwal, A, Dhar A., Shukla, M) , 343-357, Springer Singapore.

List of Journal Publications (KB Mishra)
1. Blankenhagel, P., Wehrstedt, K.D., Mishra K.B., Steinbach, J., 2018, Thermal radiation assessment using infrared camera, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 54, 246-253.
2. Mishra, K.B., 2018, The influence of Volume Blockage Ratio on IOCL Jaipur explosion, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 54, 196-205.
3. Dasgotra, A., Varun Teja, GVVV, Sharma, A., Mishra,  KB.,  2018,  CFD modeling of large-scale flammable cloud dispersion using FLACS Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries,
4. Blankenhagel, P., Wehrstedt, K.D., Mishra K.B., Xu, S., Steinbach, J., 2017, A new model for organic peroxide fireballs, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 50, 237-242.
5. Mishra K.B., 2016, Multiple BLEVEs and fireballs: Case of a Russian road carrier accident, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 41, 60-67.
6. Mishra, K.B., 2015, CFD model for large hazardous cloud spread predictions, with particular reference to Bhopal disaster, 2015, Atmospheric Environment, 117, 74-91.
7. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2015, Diffusive burning characteristics of blended peroxy-fuels: some experimental results, Fuel Processing Technology, 140, 324-330.
8. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Krebs, H., 2014, Amuay refinery disaster: the aftermaths and challenges ahead, Fuel Processing Technology, 119, 198-203.
9. Mishra K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., 2013, Diffusive burning characteristics of peroxy-fuels, Fuel, 113, 158-164.
10. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Krebs, H., 2013, Lessons learned from recent fuel storage fires, Fuel Processing Technology, 107, 166-172.
11. Mishra K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., 2013, "Deviceless" self-sustained oscillatory diffusive burning of TBPB and hybrid fuels, Fuel Processing Technology, 116, 339-345.
12. Schmidt S., Mishra K. B., Wehrstedt, K. D., 2016, CFD based reproduction of Amuay refinery accident, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 48, 7-12.
13. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2015, underground gas pipeline explosion and fire: CFD based assessment of foreseeability, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 24, 526-542.
14. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Krebs. H., 2015, BLEVE of hydrocarbons and peroxy-fuels: experiments and CFD simulation, Energy Procedia, 66, 149-152.
15. Schälike, S., Chun, H., Mishra K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Schönbucher A., 2013, Mass burning rates of di-tert-butyl peroxide pool fires: experimental study and modeling, Combustion Science and Technology, 185, 408-419.
16. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2011, Decomposition effects on the mass burning rate of organic peroxide pool fires, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries,  25, 1, 224-226.
17. Vela, I., Chun, H., Mishra K.B., Gawlowski, M., Sudhoff, P., Rudolph, M., Wehrstedt, K.D., Schönbucher, A., 2009, Prediction of the thermal radiation of large hydrocarbons and peroxide pool fires by CFD simulation, Forsch. Ingenieurwes, 73, 2, 87-97.
18. Schälike, S., Mishra K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Schönbucher A., 2013, Limiting distances for flame merging of multiple n-heptane and di-tert-butyl peroxide pool fires,  Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, ISBN 978-88-95608-23-5; ISSN 1974-1979.
19. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2013, Spill-over characteristics of di-tert-butyl peroxide: Two phase CFD investigations, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 29, 186-197.
20. Schälike, S., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D.,  Malow, M., Berger, A., Schönbucher, A.,  2013, Mass burning rate of a large TBPB pool fire - experimental study and modeling, Chemical engineering transactions , 31, 853-858.
21. Schälike, S., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Schönbucher, A.,  2013, Limiting distances for flame merging of multiple n-heptane and di-tert-butyl peroxide pool fires, Chemical Engineering Transactions , 32, 121-126

List of Publications

~striving for a safer tomorrow~
तकनीकी जोखिम अनुसंधान एवं विश्लेषण समूह (ट्राग)