List of Conference Papers
Reviewed Conference Proceedings

1. Chauhan, A., Mishra, K.B., 2017, Experimental investgation of performance of  biodiesel, ethanol and peroxide blends in 60 W diesel engine., 2nd Intl. Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges, SEE-2018, IISc Bangalore, 31 Dec.-3 Jan. 2018.
2. Sharma, A., Mishra, K.B., High-rise building fires: Effective ventilation and optimum fan location, 12th Intl. Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Lund University, Sweeden, 12-17 June 2017.
3. Sharma, A., Mishra, K.B., LES of large ethanol pool fires, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
4. Blankenhagel, P., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Steinbach, J., Prediction of organic peroxide fireballs using CFD simulation, 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
5. Blankenhagel, P., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Steinbach, J., Fireballs as a possible hazard scenario of organic peroxide in steel drums, 5th Fire and Explosion Days, University of Magdeburg, Germany, 23-24 March 2017.
6. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Krebs, H., Prediction of overpressure in buried gas pipeleine explosions, 5th Fire and Explosion Days, University of Magdeburg, Germany, 23-24 March 2017.
7. Blankenhagel, P., , Mishra K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D. , Steinbach, J., Thermal radiation impact of DTBP fireballs, 19th International Seminar New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials, Czech Republic, June 2016.
8. Knechtel, S., Schmidt, S., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2015, Modelling of major fire scenarios of LH2 using CFD, 12. Fachtagung Arbeits-, Anlagen- und Umweltsicherheit (12 Symposium on Work, Plant and Environment Safety), Köthen, Germany.
9. Schmidt S., Mishra K. B., Wehrstedt, K. D., 2015, CFD predictions of thermal safety distances from jet fires of peroxy-fuels, 4th Magdeburger Fire and Explosion Day, Magdeburg, Germany.
10. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Krebs, H., 2014, Investigations of BLEVE and fire balls of hydrocarbons and peroxy-fuels: experiments and CFD simulation, Paper No. 28, 12th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilisation, Lancaster University, UK.
11. Schmidt S., Mishra, K .B., Wehrstedt, K.D.,  2014, CFD prediction of safety distancees from jet fires of peroxy-fuels, 4th Magdeburg Day of Fire and Explosion Safety, Magdeburg, Germany
12. Schälike, S., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D.,  Malow, M., Schönbucher, A., Kritische thermische Abstände wechselwirkender KW- und Peroxid-Poolfeuer,  11. Fachtagung "Anlagen-, Arbeits- und Umweltsicherheit,  Köthen, Germany, 7-8 Nov. 2013
13. Schälike, S., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D.,  Malow, M., Berger, A., Schönbucher, A., Mass burning rate of a large TBPB pool fire - experimental study and modeling, 14th EFCE symposium on loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries, Chemical engineering transactions (CEt) , 2013, 853-858,  ISBN: 978-88-95608-22-8.
14. Schälike, S., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Schönbucher, A.,  Limiting distances for flame merging of multiple n-heptane and di-tert-butyl peroxide pool fires, ICheaP-11 - 11th International conference on chemical & process engineering, 2013, 32, 121-126, ISBN: 978-88-95608-23-5
15. Schälike, S., Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.D., Schönbucher, A., Experimentelle Untersuchung der Massenabbrandraten multipler n-Heptan und Di-tert-butylperoxid Poolfeuer, 3. Magdeburger Brand- und Explosionsschutztag / vfdb-Workshop, 2013, Magdeburg, Germany, ISBN 978-3-00-041601-9.
16. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2013, Peroxy-fuels: Potential application in engine combustion, 11th Engine Combustion Processes, 13- 15 March, Ludwigsburg, Germany.
17. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2012, Dispersion characteristics of flammable liquids: A CFD study, Proceedings of 4th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2012), Paper No. 413, 9-12 December, 2012, IIT Hyderabad, India.
18. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2012, CFD simulation of hybrid fuel combustion, Proceedings of Thirty Ninth National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (NCFMFP-12) Paper No. 209 , 13-15 December, 2012, SVNIT Surat, India, ISBN: 978-81-925-494-0-8.
19. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2012, Applications of peroxy-fuels in vehicle propulsion, Proceedings of Combustion research and application (COMBURA -2012), 3-4 October 2012, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
20. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Krebs, H., 2012, Lessons learned from recent fuel storage fires, Proceedings  of 11th International conference on combustion and energy utilization (ICCEU-2012), 9-13 May 2012, Coimbra, Portugal.
21. Mishra, K. B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2011 An efficient and clean fuel for high temperature process industries, 11th Conference on energy for a clean environment, 5-8 August, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
22. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2011, Burner for peroxy-fuels (PEROXY-BAM Burner), VDI-Berichte - 25. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerung (VDI Report-25 German Flame Day- Combustion and Furnaces), 14-15 September 2011, 307-312, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany, ISBN- 978-3-18-092119-8.
23. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2011, CFD simulation to predict the performance of a peroxy-fuel burner, Proceedings of 38th National conference on fluid mechanics and fluid power (NCFMFP-11), Paper No. HT-07, 15-17 December, 2011, MANIT, Bhopal, India.
24. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., 2011, Combustion of peroxy-fuels, Proceedings of ERCOFTAC conference - Highly resolved experimental and numerical diagnostics for turbulent combustion -HRTC-1, 25-26 May 2011, Rouen, France.
25. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2011, Interpretations of temperature measurements in organic peroxide pool fires, Proceedings of 5th European combustion meeting (ECM- 2011), 28 June-2 July 2011, Cardiff, UK.
26. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2010, Pool and tank fires - Are we really prepared? , Proceedings of 8th Asia-Pacific conference on combustion, The combustion institute - Indian Section (CIIS), 697-702, 10-13 December 2010, Hyderabad, India.
27. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2010, Safety aspects of organic peroxide pool fires, Proceedings of Combustion research and application (COMBURA -2010), 12-13 October, 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
28. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2010 Characterization of large pool fires of organic compounds containing oxygen atoms, Proceedings of 13th International symposium on loss prevention and safety promotion in the process industries, 6-9 June 2010, 365-372,  Brugge, Belgium, ISBN-978-90-76019-291.
29. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2009, Numerical prediction of safety distances from large pool fires of organic peroxides, 40th International annual conference of ICT, 88, 1-14, Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology, Pfinztal (Berghausen), Germany, ISSN-0722-4087.
30. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2009, Measurement and CFD prediction of gas velocities and temperatures in large pool fires of organic peroxides, Proceedings of 36th National conference on fluid mechanics and fluid power - NCFMFP-2009 (NCFMFP-2009),  Paper No. 58-CFD-5,  17-19 December 2009, COE Pune, India.
31. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2009, Prediction of burning rate of an accidentally released flammable fuel by means of CFD simulation, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on CFD in the minerals and process industries, 9-11 December 2009, CSIRO, Melbourne, ISBN-978-0-643-09825-1.
32. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2009, Impact of fuel properties on the large pool fire (hydrocarbons and organic peroxides) characteristics, Proceedings of  6th U. S. National Combustion meeting, 17-20 May 2009, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
33. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2009, Radiative characteristics of large pool fires of organic peroxides,  Proceedings of 4th European Combustion Meeting, 14-17 April, 2009, Vienna, Austria.
34. Mishra, K.B., Wehrstedt, K.-D., Schönbucher, A., 2008, On the dynamics of organic peroxide pool flames, Proceedings of 35th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (NCFFMFP-08), 643-650, 11-13 December 2008, Bangalore, India.

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