Dispersion risks: May it be a gas or liquid when released into the atmosphere produces flammable and/or toxic clouds. Depending on properties of fluid and wind speed and direction the gas cloud may settle on the ground and disperse gradually. As seen in Bhopal disaster the dense gas cloud spread slowly in the city and covered an area of 4 sq.km. Dense has behavior under different wind conditions. Such analysis in based on the verification of cloud behavior as shown in Fig. 6. The flammable dispersion incidents in process plants are also studied and models are developed. In order to prevent any explosion or toxic hazard a precise estimation of dispersion extent (Critical Flammable or Toxic Limit) are estimated. Apart from conventional models (empirical, phenomenological) we have the expertise to use advanced CFD based models to produce realistic picture of gas/vapor cloud dispersion predictions. As shown in Figs. 6 and 7 the gas leaked after an underground gas pipeline explosion methane disperse up to 300 m for steady-state conditions. FLACS code was used to study the IOCL Jaipur fire accident. The spread size of 500-800 m resulted from leakage in a pipe transferring gasoline to a storage tank (Figs. 7, 8). Such realistic estimations are very informative to deduce the total explosive mass involved in vapor cloud explosions.


~striving for a safer tomorrow~
तकनीकी जोखिम अनुसंधान एवं विश्लेषण समूह (ट्राग)