Research Conclave 2021 organised by the Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) Roorkee Local Chapter and Student Chapter Roorkee provides a unique online platform for the young geotechnical researchers to share their research work at national level.

This is for the first time ever that the IGS Roorkee Local Chapter and Student Chapter Roorkee are organising such conclave specifically for research students. The main aim of the conclave is to exhibit the innovative, inter-disciplinary topics in the field of geotechnical engineering. The conclave will also host keynote lectures by renowned geotechnical experts on various emerging topics. Themes for the Research Conclave includes: Shallow and Deep Foundations, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Field and Laboratory Investigations, Geo-Environmental Engineering, Landslides, Risk Assessment and Management, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Computational Geomechanics, Ground Improvement, and Transportation Geotechnics. Thus, the conclave is an excellent opportunity to the young scholars to make themselves up to date of the latest ongoing research trends and interact with eminent geotechnical experts.

The conclave is open to the research scholars of all the institutes in India to share ideas on diversified topics related to the current trends and future advances in the field of geotechnical engineering.

Results of the Best Paper Award for the Research Conclave 2021