Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8.45 am to 5.30 pm
Total Courses (In Past 5 Years)
Participants Trained (In Past 5 Years)
International Sponsors
National Sponsors
Continuing education center of IIT Roorkee was established in 1955 for the promotion of knowledge upgradation activity in our country by organizing refresher/specialist courses for in-service technical and professional person from various Govt./Semi Govt. organisations, public and private undertakings, research institutions and industries. The center conducts about 60 to 70 short terms courses (sponsored by different agencies/organisation) in continuing education every year in various disciplines of management, engineering, science and technology in which the professionals are trained from all parts of the country as well as from the neighbour countries. Courses organized by this Centre are innovative, accessible and stimulating and address to the current needs of the professionals. Courses are being organised through the technical expertise available in the departments and centres of the Institute. Experts from industries and R&D organisations are also invited to deliver lectures wherever necessary.
Know More              BrochureA front line centre in science, engineering , technology and management making significant contributions to human resource development envisaging dynamic needs of the professionals.
To establish a center for imparting technical education through technological interventions for the economic development of the country.
To create opportunity for gaining experience and more knowledge in a particular field.
IIT Roorkee to offer executive programme in Business Analytics for professionals
IIT-Roorkee joins hands with WileyNXT to curate 'AI in banking' programme
IIT Roorkee Partners With Coursera To Offer Online Programs In High Demand Fields
IIT Roorkee’s Electronics and Information and Communications Technology Academy (E&ICT) Academy inked a memorandum of understanding with CloudxLab, a tech venture