
Welcome to my personal webpage. I am working as a Professor in Mathematics at Department of Mathematics, Indian Insitute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee.

My research centers around the issues related to well-posedness, basic properties of solutions and numerical approximations to the nonlocal nonlinear partial-intergo differential equations, in particular, coagulation-fragmentation theory and Stochastic partial differential equations, it also includes regularization theory for inverse problems with emphasis on variational and iterative regularizations.On this webpage, you can find my publications and cv.

Broad Area of Interest:

Partial Differential Equations
Mathematical and Numerical Analysis
Functional Analysis
Kinetic processes: Coagulation, Fragmentation, Growth, Nucleation

Postal Adress:

Dr. Ankik Kumar Giri
Room no: M-503 (5th floor)
Department of Mathematics
IIT Roorkee

Uttarakhand, India.



